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                     Forever in the Depths

Hailey Smith was reported missing by her mother, Isabella Smith on the 13th of March 2013. Detective Meredith Throne, from the disappearances unit started investigating Hailey's case. The 23 year old  had apparently been missing for a few weeks but her mom held back on telling the police because she though her older daughter might have ran away. After no signs or negotiations from any one, Detective's Throne husband, Ethan Throne, joined the investigation, by then suspected to be a murder. After some interrogations it became clear that the last people seen with Hailey where Amelia Smith her younger sister, Morgan Davies, Amelia's best friend, Daniel Jones Hailey's best friend and Matthew Allen, Hailey's boyfriend. The group had been on a vacation on the Allen's beach house located on Fajardo, playa escondida. When questioned the group said that Hailey had suddenly disappeared, just like her mother, they just thought she had left. The investigation made by the Detective's lead them to the discovery of an abandoned car near the port a little far away from the location of the house. The plaque was instantly checked, the car was registered under the name of Morgan Davies, Amelia's best friend. When questioned Davies claimed that his car had been stolen which only raised the Detective's suspicions. Ethan and Meredith visited the beach house in which the group stayed only to be told by witnesses that they had heard Daniel and Hailey in the middle of what seemed like a big fight. Right when they started investigating the house they received a call. The results from the lab had brought back rather surprising news. First of all a hair had been found in the trunk, a hair which matched Hailey Smith's DNA. The most recent fingerprints found on the car, a pair on the steering wheel the other one in the passengers door handle belonged to Matthew Allen and Daniel Jones. The Detective's became even more sure that they where coming close to the truth of this mystery. Not forgetting the fact that they had noticed signs of a struggle in the house. They began to put even more pressure on the teens they where questioning despise the pleading of Mrs. Smith who kept asking for her younger daughter to be released. The Detective's din't fail to notice the unease that seemed to fall on everyone upon the knew discovery. Just as Detective Throne was questioning Matthew about his finger prints found on the car her husband received a call. A fisher men had caught something rather odd with his net. The body of a woman, who turned out to be none other than Hailey Smith. The body was quickly rushed to the lab for examination. Both Detective's informed the group of the body's discovery, thanks to their reactions they where even more sure that the four where about to crack. What surprised the Detective's was the reaction they received from her Mother for she seemed almost prepared for the news. The test done to the victims body got them exactly what they wanted. Hailey had received a trauma to the head, caused by a solid object. But even something more surprising was discovered. The victims clothes, as expected, had been covered in blood. What they had a hard time believing was that not all the blood staining her once white dress was hers. All tho it did belong to someone with a similar DNA, after all they where sisters. That was all it took. When the Detective's walked back to the interrogation room, ready to confront Amelia, she broke down. Almost like the guilt had become to much. "It was an accident!" Was the first thing she said while she started crying and then she confessed. Amelia had been having a relationship with Matthew behind her sisters back. Hailey had found out while they where at the beach house. That had been what her fight with Daniel had been about, for Hailey had refused to believe him. When Hailey confronted her they both got mad. To mad. Amelia had been in love with Matthew since way before he had started dating Hailey. She blamed her older sister for taking him away. Without meaning to, or at least that's what she repeated a thousand times, Amelia had pushed Hailey out of anger. That, that little slip of her temper had caused her sister to fall and hit her head against the base of a lamp instantly causing her death. Once she realized what she had done Amelia called for Matthew. She was ready to call the police but he convinced her otherwise. Saying that she wasn't thinking, that the police would take her away. Thanks to the state in which Amelia was she couldn't offer much help getting rid of the body so Matthew went to his second best option. He found Daniel and forced him to help. Not only did he tell Daniel that Hailey's dead was his fault to for he had been the one to reveal the relationship between him and Amelia but he also threatened to reveal Daniels secret, he was gay but had never told anyone. Both Matthew and Daniel stole Morgan's car, who had been out for a run. Once they left Amelia called her Mother and told her everything. Not wanting to lose another child she had agreed to keep quiet, but eventually the guilt became to much. Matthew and Daniel drove the car to the port once night fell. They rented a boat and sailed as far into the sea as they could. They both lifted Hailey's lifeless body and threw it into the water. Hoping it would sink, far into the cold, dark, and endless sea and that it would keep the truth hidden, forever in the depths.

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