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If your reading this first of all a want to thank you for taking the time to do so❤️. Also I want to clear out that English is not my main language so I apologize for any mistakes. How did this story come up? Well we where asked by our English teacher to write a mystery story as a project. My friends and I builded a plot and I tried my best to put it into words. The original version it's actually much shorter and I will be adding it after the end of the story. I hope you can enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed the final product and writing it. This story is filled with (obviously, mystery) and a pretty cool main character. The point of this story is to keep you all guessing so please tell me in the comments who you think is the culprit from the first chapter and on. Hopefully none of you will be able to guess it...hopefully. Anyway, thanks again! Enjoy!

Books_all_the_time ❤️❤️

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