Chapter Seven

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Her thoughts where racing wildly. Everything spun around in her head. She couldn't seem to wrap her mind around the image in front of her. So she shook her head and forced herself to look at the doctor.

- "Is there anything else?"

- "Her clothes are being examined. They were covered in most likely her own blood but better to be sure than sorry." He flipped a few pages. "Ah, there was some skin underneath her nails. Only God knows how it din't get watched away."

He gestured for her to come closer. After a battle with herself she finally did. He grabbed another set of gloves and put them on. He lifted her head enough to expose an ugly open wound in the back of her head.

- "Cause of the death. A trauma to the head, caused by a solid object. It must have been instant." He walked to the end of the table. Only then did the Detective notice the read marks around her ankles. "She was tied to something heavy. I assume someone drew her into the water after her death. Who ever it was wanted to anchor her." He looked up at her. "I'm afraid that's all I have for now."

She took a few steeps back.

- "Thank you for your help. Send the other results as soon as you get them."

She turned towards the door and began to walk.

- "Detective Thorne," He called causing her to stop. "Just because she's dead doesn't mean you aren't helping her. You will give her justice. I'm sure she will appreciate it."

- "I intend to at least give her that."

The first thing she did when she reached her office was call a team meeting. There she told them all she had learned. Ethan had watched her with worried eyes. When almost everyone had leaf she approached Molly.

- "Could you call Mrs. Smith again tell her I must talk with her." She said. Her voice sounding tired to her own ears.

- "You don't have to be the one to tell her. I could..."

- "No, I'm the one she came to with hopes of finding her daughter alive. I should be the one to tell her that it wasn't possible."

Molly only nodded before going through the door. Meredith turned around just a her husband reached her.

- "Are you okay?" He asked her. His hands on her shoulders.

- "Yes, where close now. I can feel it."

- "Mer, I'm not talking about the case."

She gave him a little smile.

- "I'm fine, truly. Just...disappointed. I hate it when a can't save them."

- "Who says your not saving her?" He asked her.

- "Well for starters she's dead." She told him. Bitterness
finding its way to her voice.

- "Yes, but there was nothing you could have done about that she's been death for weeks, Mer. You din't even have the case. But still you can save her." A small smile spread across his lips. A smile that had won over Meredith Thorne's heart. "There are some people that believe that spirits stay, trapped in earth, when they have unfinished business. There unable to let go. Think of it this way. You could free her by making who ever hurt her pay."

- "I don't think..." She started.

- "No, no, listen. It's not even about spirits or ghost! Even us, the living, when we hide the truth. We carry a weight with us. It eventually becomes to much and we just want to let go. If that girl had been alive she would be fighting with everything inside her to let the truth be freed."

And so Meredith decided that she would fight. She would fight in Hailey Smith's place. As on cue her phone rang. Doctors Bentleys ID flashed on the screen. She picked the phone up with trembling finger. Ethan's phone began to ring, the ID belonged to one of his unit members.

- "I have the results."

That was all it took. That night the lies crumbled and feel. The people that had told them did to. They found themselves in a black hole that threatened to eat them alive. The worst part being that they had put themselves there.

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