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"Are you the other woman?" Camille asked. I let that question linger not wanting to answer.

"Camille you sound fucking crazy." I said looking everywhere but at her.

"Do I?"

"Yes! Do I look like the type of bitch to be anybody's second choice?"

"No just one with something to hide." She said watching me take a sip of my mimosa. She leaned in, "Look me in my eye and tell me I'm crazy. Tell me that I'm overthinking. Anything!"

I looked at her and I opened my mouth to lie but I couldn't. Even if I could, she'd see right through me.

"I didn't mean for it to get this far..." I trailed off as she sighed.


"It just happened and-"

"How the hell does that just happen?"

"I don't know! Okay?!" I said loudly making a few people stare at us. I put my elbows on the table and my head in my hands, "It started at Faith's engagement party and then the loft and it escalated from there."

"You have to break it off, before this gets worse."

"I will I promise, just please don't tell anyone. Please Milly." I begged.

She sighed while grabbing my hand, "I'm your best friend. Right or wrong...I got you. You better fix this shit though."


"Baby, this place is nice. What's the occasion?" I asked catching his gaze.

Chad shrugged, "Just because. I feel like we don't go out enough and I wanted to spend more time with you without CJ constantly expressing how disgusting we are."

I chuckled, "I don't get it. He breathes down our necks about a baby, but as soon as we try to make one, he freaks out."

"Maybe we should move his room or get soundproof walls. Suggestions from him, of course."

"He's a character." I said as we both laughed.

Chad let out a breath, "Look, about what I've been trying to avoid telling you...I have-"

My phone rang and it was Kenny...or Raquel- I don't know anymore. I silenced it, "I'm sorry. Continue."

"Well, I was just saying that I-" He was interrupted by my phone again. "Someone is really trying to get ahold of you." He said as I silenced it again.

"I'm sorry. Just let me..." I trailed off texting Kenny or Raquel letting whichever know that I was busy. I pressed send and smiled, "Okay. What's up?"


"Are you sure?" I asked feeling bad.

He smiled, "Yeah, it can wait."


"Okay, here is your food. Is there anything else I can get you?" The waitress asked running her hand along Chad's shoulder.

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