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"Toni, are you here?" Camille asked coming into her apartment.

"Umm, Yeah." I answered from the kitchen as I stuffed more chocolate cake in my mouth.

She came in and gave me a look of sympathy, "I guess it didn't go well."

I started to cry as she hugged me. "He hates me Milly. I don't blame him, I hate myself. The only reason I haven't driven off a cliff is because I'm pregnant with a baby that he clearly wants nothing to do with." I cried.

"He said that?"

"In so many words."

"Damn. So, what are you gonna do?"

"I guess I'm gonna do this alone." I said. I know people say it takes a village to raise a child but I've seen plenty of women do it alone.

"No, I'll help you." She said making me pick my head up from her shoulder.

"What do you know about raising a kid?"

"Everything you know, which is nothing."

I chuckled, "Well I know that I'm not going to be like my parents. This child will have my love and undivided attention at all times."

"Aww look at you, growing up and just flourishing and shit." She joked.

"Shut up. Oh and I'm sorry about your cake."

"It's cool, I'll just bake my mom another one. Her birthday is TOMORROW, but it's fine."

I looked at her feeling the sarcasm that pierced through her words,"I'll buy another one." I said.

"Yes you will."



"Thank you guys for your help." I said to Faith and Warren as they helped me in the house.

"No problem." They said in unison.

"Warren, are you sure you're okay with taking over on Sunday?"

"Yes, now get some rest so you can come back to us." He said as they walked to the door.

"See ya later." Faith said.


They left and CJ locked the door. "Okay, I'm gonna go watch Netflix." He said.

"CJ?" I called. He stopped on the third step and sighed. I walked closer to the staircase as he turned around. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you?" He tossed back. I stayed silent and he nodded,"Yeah, me too."

He went upstairs and I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I dosed off for what felt like a few seconds before I heard the doorbell ring.

After stretching,'I got up and opened it,"Raquel? What are you doing here?"

"Are you busy?" She asked.

"Umm...no, come in." I said opening the door a little wider.
She came in and sat down. I turned the TV off and sat across from her, "How are you?"

She shook her head, "I can't stop thinking about it." She said referring to Kenny and Toni.

"Yeah, I know how you feel."

"I just keep asking myself what I did or didn't do."

"Yeah, but you don't know what goes through the other person's head. You probably weren't even the problem."

"You know that bastard left for
New York and didn't even say goodbye? He didn't even apologize, he just left."

"I'm sorry."

She scoffed, "It just makes me so mad."

"I understand." I said getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Don't you wish you could get them back? Like some sort of revenge."

"No, even if I did, I wouldn't even know where to start." I said handing her a glass of lemonade. I never thought about that.

What would I even do? I can't do anything physically to my wife. I could divorce her, but I haven't thought that far ahead.

If Kenny hadn't ran away, I would probably punch him in the throat or break his hands. It's not the most Christian thing to do but...I'm sure God would forgive me.

"You could start with me." She said interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked turning around. When I did, she unzipped her jacket revealing a black lace bra. I blinked and quickly looked away.

 I blinked and quickly looked away

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"Umm..." I trailed off as she walked towards me. She started caressing my chest and I caught her hands, "Whoa, Raquel. What are you doing?"

"They hurt us, so it's no big deal. We can-"

"No we can't!"

She backed away from me, "You're not attracted to me either."

I sighed, "Raquel you're a beautiful young woman. A supermodel, at that. The whole world is attracted to you. What Toni did to me, to us, was messed up but she's the love of my life. Those feelings don't just die."

"Wow." She said putting her jacket back on. I should have known something was up when she came here wearing a jacket in the middle of June.

"It's not a good idea. We could get revenge on Kenny and Toni, but then what? We're not like them, we're better than that. If we do what they did, they won't have to be sorry anymore." I said.

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry, I feel so stupid."

"It's fine. You're emotional and not thinking clearly. If you ever need to talk, just talk, my door is always open...at the church."

She nodded before going to the door. She looked embarrassed,"I'm really sorry."

"It's okay really. Let's just forget this even happened."

"Right. Bye Pastor Evans."

"Bye Raquel."

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