Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Everything about this felt so wrong to Kay. On Mobius Prime Aurora was a symbol of hope and peace in a world filled with nothing but war at every turn. She represented the balance of Chaos, not the upheaval of it. She was a goddess to the echidnas. But here she was now, in this alternate universe, acting like the total opposite of who Kay had known her to be. If this were the aforementioned Anti-Mobius she wouldn't be surprised, but here? She supposed it made sense for Aurora to become a completely different person when the thing that made her who she was in another universe was stripped away, but it was still unsettling.

And as if that wasn't enough, now Shadow was standing at her side as her second in command. Shadow was never second to anybody, no matter which universe he was in. He never took orders, he never joined teams unless he decided it was in his interest to. Everything she thought she knew about Shadow had been flipped on its head, too, and that was certainly not helping her unease.

"Now do you see?" Aurora asked, smiling at Kay's shock. "Even Shadow understands my cause and is willing to be part of it. For who is Shadow the Hedgehog without Chaos?"

Still the ultimate life form, Kay thought automatically, but then she realized, well...maybe not? Without Chaos his entire creation story is different. If there's no Chaos in this universe...Shadow could be a purely organic being. The thought was so staggering it actually made her stumble back a step. Or he could be entirely inorganic. Either way, he's definitely not the same Shadow.

Realizing the silence was stretching too long, Kay shook herself from her reverie and said, "This is not right." Then, directly to Shadow, "You never take sides. And you never abandon a mission without completing it. What were you doing that day in the forest? If you were planning to capture the prince I'm afraid you forgot something."

Aurora turned to Shadow in surprise, but he said nothing, as silent as the first time they'd met a few days ago. He merely looked at her with both haughty derision and indifference, as if she were not worth his time. Well, she thought, at least that part of his personality hasn't changed much.

"Won't you reconsider, child?" Aurora at last turned her attention back to Kay, forgetting the black hedgehog for the moment. "Shadow is merely one of many who have realized their true potential. You may remember Conquering Storm, Lightning, and their clan. Oh, and of course, the Yagyu. And once we've settled the Dragon Kingdom, we'll be able to move out globally, recruiting even Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends."

"To what end?" Kay cried, her stirring unease able to stay silent no longer. "To introduce Chaos and war and destruction to a planet that is entirely peaceful? What did these Mobians do to deserve your ire? The only reason you want to start war here is to make yourself feel more important. You can be important without Chaos, Aurora. You may not be a goddess but you can still be a leader and figurehead for your people. Think about what you're implying here!"

"Mobius is not truly Mobius without Chaos. And you, of all people, must know that Chaos is more than war and destruction. It is also peace and balance."

"In the hands of the right person," Kay countered. "If you intend to introduce Chaos to a world that has never known it then you are not the right person to handle its power."

"I am very well aware of this, child," Aurora replied. "That is why I am asking you to do the honors."

Kay could only stare at the echidna woman. It was like talking to a wall. "I don't have Chaos in me anymore. How many times do I have to say that?"

Aurora opened her mouth to reply again, but at that moment there was a faint beeping noise, and it drew her attention away from Kay and to a wristwatch communicator on her right arm. She held it up to speak into it. "Go ahead."

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