3: Fight or Flight

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Aphilia's P.O.V. (don't play song yet)

In... Out

In... Out

In... Out

My breathing was peaceful and I almost couldn't bear the thought of waking up. My heartbeat slow and tap dancing a jazz rhythm in my chest. The room was warm and I could sense another person. Where was I? I don't remember going home... I don't remember saying goodnight to Gran. What happened? Slowly cracking my eyes open, everything is in a sleepy, blurred, haze. A wrinkled hand is on my shoulder and I try to figure out who it could be. Coming up blank I groan as it feels like a hammer has entered my head, pounding away aimlessly at my brain. Blinking rapidly, I look straight up at the haloed figure that the hand belongs to. Failing to recognize the man, I look at my surroundings. An old bookshelf, wooden floor with a jagged red carpet, multiple artifacts from medieval times and other antique objects surrounded the small room. Laying dead center was the book that I had dreamt about, The Book of Dragons. I couldn't remember anything but the shocks that coursed through my body, and the insolent book written in Dragon Script. Closing my eyes, my vision improved drastically but was still slightly blurry. "Young one, I am Mohtni. You fell and hit your head while holding the book.". Clearing my throat, my voice came out raspy, "Mohtni? I am Aphilia. Can you tell me where I am?". The man smiled brightly and pulled me to my feet, surprisingly spry despite his age. "Miss. Aphilia, you are at Magik&Dovah's, my humble shop. You walked in earlier looking for books. I have only one and you took a long gander at it. After you opened it, you walked while reading and tripped on the rug. When you fell you must have hit your head. I am terribly sorry Miss.". Blinking rapidly, I try to remember but things only break up into pieces of memories, splintered among thoughts. "Oh, it is alright Mohtni, you did nothing wrong. It was my own fault, I should've watched where I was going.". A look of relief flitted through his eyes, chased by a small amount of guilt. It disappeared quickly, but I still caught it. "What time is it sir?". He jumped and smiled a toothy smile before springing towards the counter, grabbing his flip phone. "It's a quarter past five Miss. Aphilia, do you need to be home?". I nodded and took one last glance at the book that lied seemingly welcoming on the floor. "Yes, I must be off. My parents will be worried, thank you for all of your help Mr. Mohtni.". He waved and smiled as I passed through the door calling a warm goodbye.

              *Play song now*

The sun was setting and I followed my normal route home. The only streets to my house were through your typical alleys. Stories of robbings, murders, and muggings followed everyone as they walked though out our town. Most of the time it was just people trying to get attention or sympathy. I never feared it though, it'd never happened to me and I didn't have a reason to be scared. As the sky filled with pinks and blues and yellows, the temperature was dropping with the sun. Pulling my flannel closer to my body, my spaghetti strap rides up my curves slightly. A muffled cough carries through the wind and I turn, finding no one. Shrugging it off, I continue walking, my mind set on home. My dad insisted that I take karate lessons from age five and I enjoyed them. He wanted to make sure that I'd be able to hold my own in a fight, I did well against my peers, but I'd never needed to use it in a real life situation. Another cough catches my attention and I turn to come face to face with a large chest. Backing up, I crane my neck to look at the man's face. He was older, a five o clock shadow and a bulbous nose. Hard green eyes and snaggle toothed. Continuing to back up away from the intimidating man, warm arms wrap around me. Jumping, I thrust my hips back and use my palms to push their hands forward, getting out of the grip. A woman with brown eyes and a malicious smile was chuckling darkly as the man came up from behind me. Now cornered between two dangerous people with no cellphone, blurry vision and a throbbing head. I had two choices...fight or flight.


Does it seem like this book is going too fast for you? Let me know, feedback is appreciated. Have a good day/night.


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