Chapter 21: my dick hole quivers for those crispy dead memes

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((Hey my dudes this one might be a little tough for some viewers as it contains self harm. I'm not one to self harm or to shame but please let me know if this is a emotion some feel when they do it? I'm not 100% sure how people feel when they do it so please inform as I'm only 50% sure!!))

It was late a on school night. Dream sat in his desk as He wrote into his diary That he got recently to deal with... the loss of ink, his ex boyfriend.

He began to write down his feelings.

Hey... it's me dream again to tell you about my feelings. Again. Once again, this is the only way I can deal with my emotions in a healthy way so please listen.

Ink. I really miss Ink. I regret everything I said to him that night I wish I could just kill myself! I wish Error never came into the damn picture... I wish Error and Ink would have stayed enemies. Maybe it's not even his fault.

Maybe if I didn't panic when I saw them together then maybe, just maybe we would still be together. If I didn't insult him or maybe if I just trusted that he wouldn't leave me for that douche bag then we would still be together. Cuddling, watching rainbow brite.

On a happier note.

Recently I began to hang out with horror and killer more. It's a bit odd yes but I really enjoy their company! Such wonderful souls. They really have been my safe zone through this whole drama. even though they are kinda insane. Horror is very funny, which is very surprising! I always thought he was super scary but he has a nice sense of dark humor. Killer is fun to be around as well, I honestly think he gay like me but I don't think he's ready to face the facts yet. 

They are both wonderful friends

Well diary.

maybe one day things will go back to normal. I don't even care if me and Ink date again! I just want to be near him or just hug him for awhile and pretend that the date at the drive in didn't happen.

If I'm lucky, maybe we could date again and I'll fix all of my past mistake! We can get married and adopt kids... I love him so much.

I will always love ink, my pride and joy.

He stopped and stared at the note book entry. Tears fell down onto the paper as he held tightly onto my pencil. "Why... why can't you forgive me Ink!" He stood up from his chair and looked to the nightstand at the side of his bed. "Maybe- no, no... I can't resort to that. You are better than this dream." The urge of cutting was getting to him. That feeling that he need to be punished for what he did to his beloved ink.

"Would Ink want this..." he walked over to his bed and sat on it and stared at his nightstand where the razor blade laid. It was like it was calling his name just to be used. It felt like the only method he could use to free himself from the sin he cast upon himself... the only thing that could make him feel better.

"Maybe... I'll just hold it." Dream open the top drawer and there laid pen, pencils, papers, pictures of ink, blue, and himself, Picture of just ink and himself, and of course the razor blade that laid, ironically, right on top of ink's face. "Is this a sign?..." he sighed

He grabbed it and held it in his hands. "It's my fault... all my fault." Dream repeatedly said and he slice the blade through his arm. In his eyes, it felt like the only way to relieve him of the pain he caused to Ink.

The only punishment he could revive that is would make things better.
- - -

The next day arrives. Ink and blue talked about the upcoming weekend and how they were only going to be with Error and fell.

I hate you (errorink + small small side ships) ((highschool AU))Where stories live. Discover now