Chapter 26

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Everyone gears up and we go through the mini kitchen and down the stairs onto the backyard.

"We need our dragons," Nick states. Dragons go a lot faster than bikes, and even more so with Speed Dragons. I bring my index finger and thumb up to my mouth and whistle.

"Zipper, here boy!" I shout out. My house is a only couple of blocks away from Joey's, and dragons can hear three hundred times better that dogs can, and even more so with Sound Drgons.

I see Zipper flying into view, followed by Riptide. They land in the grass and Zipper runs up and sits next to me. He's actually as tall as me now. So is Riptide (Kat and I are the same height, too).

"What about our parents? What will they think?" Kat asks, bringing up a good point.

"We could say that we're having a sleepover," Peter suggests the idea.

"Good idea. Max can speed people to their houses and Nick can teleport the rest," Joey tells us.

"Oh, boy. Ready?" Nick asks Max, holding onto a few of us.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Max tells Nick, holding onto the rest of us and preparing to run.

The two get everyone's parent's permission for the 'sleepover' so we're good to go. We stradle out dragons and they take to the sky. They fly to the street and just hover there for a bit.

"Address?" Adam asks Aaron from his dragon's back.

"Um . . . 2115 West Homari Street," Aaron informs us, remembering that not everyone is a super genius.

"Erm . . . Aaron, why don't you lead the way?" Peter asks, not wanting to admit that he had no clue where he was going. I can't see Aaron's eyes under his goggles, but I know he's rolling them. He flies Ratchet to the front of the group and begins to fly in the direction. We all follow behind.

"Two and a half blocks!" Aaron calls out after a little bit.

"Awesome. We can burn, like, a block every half a minute on these guys," Peter states, patting Tornado's fluffy side.

We fly for a moment, and soon we find the next house on the chopping block. We land on the ground and herd all of the dragons beside the house where whoever answers the door won't see them. We deactivate our armour and walk up to the front door.

"Should we knock, or should we just blow into the house and shout 'You're in danger?'"Felix asks before we knock on the door.

"I'm not positively sure, but I feel like we should the the first option," I tell him, pretending to weigh the options. Skylor approaches the door and knocks.

"Just a second!" A female, muffled voice responds to the knock. Skylor steps back and soon, the door opens and an adult woman stands in the doorway. She's holding a pot of some kind of soup and has a pink, flowery, aperon on. She has long black hair and chocolate colored skin.

"Can I help you?" she asks us after we stand in silence for a while.

"Uh . . . Peter has something to tell you," Adam tells her, shoving Peter to the front of the group.

"Gee, thanks, Adam," Peter mutters sarcastically. "Look, someone . . . or something will come to your house at midnight and kidnap somebody in your family," he tells her simply. That's not exactly how I would put it. She scowls and slams the door in his face.

"Smooth," Nick elbows him in the arm.

"I'd like to see you do better," Peter scoffs and steps back into the group and away from the door.

"Okay. Well, they already hate us, so let's just camp out beside the house and not let them notice us, and not bother them, Skylor suggests to us.

"Good I idea," Zoey nods and we head back to our dragons.

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