Chapter 9: Ruka

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*Author’s Note:  Another time jump! Sorry if it’s confusing, I’ve just found it’s the best way to tell this particular story.  The plot picks up in this one a bit too.  As always, I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Vampire Knight.


…Three years later…

            I sat at the table, taking small bites of the gourmet meal that was in front of me.  I chewed silently, my mouth closed and my eyes downcast. 

            “Ruka, dear, what’s on your mind?” my mother inquired, probably seeing that I looked to be deep in thought. 

            “Nothing, mother.  I was just thinking of how lovely Hanabusa’s Ketsueki Yudo tomorrow night will be,” I lied to her, referring to the Blood Induction that all vampires who were aristocrats or higher received once they realized their individual power.  These powers often surfaced during the early teen years or before.  Once they were established, a young vampire then became a contributing member of the vampire society.  In ancient times, this would also be when a young male would choose his mate and consecrate the engagement with sharing of blood; however in these times it was rare to hear of such engagements at so young an age, though not unheard of.  (My own parents had been engaged when my father manifested his powers at age 14, though the binding ceremony hadn’t been until they were in their early 70’s, a common time for vampire couples to be bound.)  More common in these times for the Ketsueki Yudo was for a young male to inherit one of his father’s businesses or for a young lady to inherit a sizable dowry that would make her acceptable for a mate in the coming years of her womanhood. 

            “Yes, it will be quite lovely,” she mused.  “Don’t worry about not having your gift yet dear, I was a late bloomer as well,” she told me, perhaps seeing the worried look on my face and putting two and two together.  I blushed.  I didn’t need to be reminded that my cousin, younger than me by almost a whole year, had already realized his gift.  Not only that, but it was an elemental gift, one of the more powerful of the aristocrats’ special powers. 

            “Thank you mother,” I said, though her words really didn’t help.

            “Maybe Hanabusa will be betrothed soon.  Wouldn’t that be wonderful? That boy needs someone to steer him right,” she said, making me roll my eyes.

            “Vampires rarely get betrothed at these things anymore.  Besides, he’s definitely not ready for being bound to someone,” I told her.

            “You’re right, I suppose,” she said, smiling faintly back at me.


            The next evening, I stepped into the carriage with my parents to head to the Aidou Estate.  I had woken up early so I could have breakfast and begin getting ready for Hanabusa’s Ketsueki Yudo before my tutor lesson.  As it was, I wore a soft pink satin dress and my hair was mostly down, with a couple intricate twists. 

            The carriage lurched into motion, and we sat silently next to each other, not talking.  I enjoyed the time to think, as I always did on the short ride over.  I was not so eager to arrive.  I knew I wasn’t the only one to not have manifested powers yet, Akatsuki hadn’t either, but I still felt uneasy somehow.  Especially if Lord Kaname turned up, it would be an embarrassment.  I felt the subtle blush rise in my cheeks as I thought of him. 

            After what seemed like much too short of a ride, the carriage began to slow to a halt and I knew our driver was pricking his finger for the gate, and then we proceeded to the front of the mansion.  Stepping lightly out with the help of the driver, I stood waiting for my mother and father to follow.  When they emerged, I followed behind them, walking up the steps to the entryway and taking a right to the ballroom. 

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