Chapter 44

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Sooooo sorry, I haven't updated in like a week. Out of no where it was decided, I'd go visit my dad and he has no internet so impossible to upload >_> anyway here's the chapter hope you guys like! I also hope it was worth the wait! sorry again! I promise to warn next time ✌️


It was late at night. The others were sleeping soundly. My wound was killing me and I couldn't sleep. I sat up carefully. I did my best to stand up. I used the tree, that Inuyasha was on, to get up. I started walking to the river across from us. I had more energy thanks to Kyo, but the wound was still there. It was really irritating. I stepped into the water. It felt nice and cool on my feet. I slid on a loose rock, but someone caught me as I started falling back. I looked back at them. It was Inuyasha.

"Careful" he said as he picked me up and set me down on the edge. I still had my feet in the water. I looked at him.

"Sorry if I woke you up" I replied looking back down at the water, "I didn't mean to, but then again, how can I sneak around with your dog hearing?"

"It's fine" he said sitting beside me, "couldn't sleep much anyway"

"Is it about the Tetsaiga?" I asked, "I'm sure if we find Totosai, he'd be able to fix it" Inuyasha glared at me annoyed. What? what did I say?

"Do you really think I care about that right now?!" he said annoyed

"Yes! how can you not?!" I argued back, "that sword was a gift from your father, who you never met! It protected you through your battles! It's irreplaceable! How-"

"Well neither are you!" he argued interrupting me. I opened my mouth to speak, but not a sound came out. "what the hell were you thinking?! You could have died from that blow! I'm sick of you always putting yourself in danger like if it's ok for you to die! Especially if you die protecting one of us! do you think we'd be able to live with that?!" I stayed quiet and looked out at the river. For the first time ever, I had nothing to say. He waited for me to speak.

"What do you care anyway?" I said not looking at him, "last time I checked, you tried kill us twice...I'm going to bed" I used the wind and shifted next to Kagome before he could respond. I noticed the others were now fully awake from our shouting. I just turned over and closed my eyes ignoring the others.

The next morning, I woke up to Inuyasha sitting next to the river cross legged looking at his Tetsaiga deep in thought. I wonder if he's been there all night.

"Come on Mitsuki" Kagome said extending her hand out to me seeing that I was awake, I didn't like the sound of her voice. I was in for it. "you and I are going for a little walk" I grabbed her hand and she carefully pulled me up. I leaned against her as we walked along the river.

"What?" I said getting ready for the lecture.

"You do know he's right, right?" she asked, "you're always risking your life like it doesn't matter what happens to you and that's not right!"

"You make it sound like I'm suicidal" I argued, "I don't plan on dying anytime soon! I just don't like being useless"

"You're not useless" Kagome argued, "please understand, I just don't want to lose my sister"

"Fine, I won't do anything crazy happy?" I said

"I'll be happy when I see it" She replied

"Is that all you want to tell me?" I asked

"I also think you need to take it easy on Inuyasha" Kagome said, "he's not like he was before, he's changed and you know it!"

"Yeah, well if he doesn't kill us when we have all the jewel shards, then I'll believe it" I replied still remembering his threat from before, "but for now, I'm not letting my guard down"

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