A/N:  The symbol '**' means flashback. Lol, sorry, I forgot to mention it earlier XD.

When you constantly do something, you'd instantly know if something's different.


"Activity 4, part 3, number 1, A"

Our language teacher dictated the answers to our 4th activity.

After all the answers were given, Gab and I were confused...

"Did you write the letter only?" I asked

"Yeah, you?" Gab answered

"Yup, but aren't we supposed to write the letter only?"

"As far as I know, we are"

Gab and I lost half of our points for this part of the activity. We were instructed by the student teacher to write ONLY the LETTER. But our actual teacher is telling us that we should've written the letter and the word.

I stood up and approached our teacher with Gab following behind. The teacher explained that we were wrong and that we misunderstood, then she left.

"ARGHHHH, THIS IS THE STUDENT TEACHER'S FAULT!!" Gab said as we sat back down

"We would've scored higher if not for her!" I replied with the same amount of annoyance in my voice

"I HATE HER!" Gab said, still angry


We sat there glaring at the wall in front of us. Both of us trying to calm down.

"*sigh* Gab let's take a walk, I need to get out of this place"

"Yeah, me too"

We stood up and made our way to the door. When we were near the door, Seth approached us, offering Iced Gems.

Iced Gems - a little disc shaped biscuit with an icing on top. The icing comes in a variety of colors but I only eat the white ones.

"White?" I asked Seth

He looked for a white one and handed it to me.

Gab took one as well. Gab and I were still in a foul mood.

"I think your preference for white gems is a visual based bias" Seth said as I ate the biscuit he handed me.

Gab went back to her seat, which was beside us, and drank some water.

"No it's not" I replied instantly

"Really?" He asked raising a brow

"Yup. Colored gems have an after taste, while white gems have a pure sweet taste" I explained

"I don't believe you"

"Then don't"

I wasn't in the mood to push this matter. I prefer white gems. So what?

"Let's have a blind test" He offered, after a pause

"A what?" I asked

"A blind test. You'd be given 3 gems at a time and you have to guess which one is white and which one is not. Your eyes should also be covered as to prove that your preference is not based on the appearance, but on the taste"

I gave it some thought. Well, I guess I won't loose anything. Plus, I strongly believe that I am right.

"Fine" I said; then, I held out my right hand and covered my eyes with my left. I didn't like covering my eyes. It always made me feel so vulnerable. It didn't help that we were standing.

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