Chapter 1 "Last Chance"

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-Blackstar: I stood on my hands at the top balcony of the DWMA and watched as the students filed in for their morning classes. I waited for my friends to arrive since I always got up so early to train, I saw Kid walk up with his pistols walking behind him, he was obviously freaking out over the fact that he couldn't arrive at 8 and be symmetrically punctual. I smirked and flipped off the balcony and landed hard onto the ground in front of him, damaging the ground thus giving him even more to scream about. "HAHAHA!! Kid you need to chill out! You're gonna piss Liz off!!" I say as I laugh even louder.

-Kid: "Oh shut up you disgusting asymmetrical garbage! Why can't you at least create a crater symmetrical to the building?!"

-Liz: "Really?? That's what you're worried about? The symmetry of the crater he created?" I state bluntly, we turn and see Maka and Soul strolling up the stairs and Patty and I wave, Maka runs up and comes to us as Tsubaki walks up from the entrance of the building since she didn't appear the same way as Blackstar did. "Hey Maka! You're usually early, what's up?"

-Maka: "Oh this idiot swears it was my turn to cook breakfast." I say gesturing towards Soul with my thumb. "I've cooked breakfast for the past 3 days and he's always complaining!"

-Soul: "Shut it! I've cooked dinner for the past 4 nights so don't even act like I'm slave driving you!"

-Maka: "Mind your own business Soul! I was talking to Liz not you, you jerk!"

-Soul: "I wouldn't be such a jerk if you could make a decent meal for breakfast! No wonder a guy hasn't ever made a move on you!" I immediately regret those words as soon as they leave my mouth, my heart drops as I see the obvious sadness in Maka's eyes that she's trying to hard to hide, the guys have turned away and the girls lowering their heads, she balls her fists and turns and heads for class, the group goes silent and once she's in the building Tsubaki knocks me in the head along with Liz and Patty "S-Sorry! I just-"

-Liz: "Save it! Sooner or later those words will drive her away, expressing your love by deepening her insecurities is NOT the way to go. You need to apologize."

-Soul: They all nod in agreeance to her words and I sigh "Yeah I know..." I lower my head and walk inside, she's right, I need to apologize, and while I'm at it I need to confess my feelings or she'll never understand that the only reason I say such means things is because I love her...I've been in love with Maka since forever. When we met, I thought she was really cute with her dress and pigtails in, she looked so cute and innocent, I played her a song on the piano I was playing on when she walked into the music room; I hadn't played for anyone since I was little, not by my own will at least and definitely not a solo; but I played for her, I played my favorite song and in my mind I made that Our Song. Even on our first mission I was highly impressed, I thought I'd have to do most of the work since she looked so cute and fragile but her attitude changed during the mission, she was serious and ready to fight, a total turn on in weird way. I sigh again "Damnet I totally screwed up. There's no way I can- crap! I didn't do it today! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I run after Maka, sprinting to her before she can reach her locker, everyday since after the battle with Kishan Asura she's been getting meister request letters, weapons all over the school have been requesting her as a partner and everyday I've snuck into her locker and trashed them all so she wouldn't leave me. I turn the corner and 2 seconds too late, she opens her locker and a flood of letters fall out, falling all over her making her drop her bag.

-Maka: "Wha?!!" I opened my locker and papers fall out all over me, a bunch of them fall to the ground and I bend down to pick them up, I look at the papers and my eyes go wide and I pause. ""

-Soul: "Maka!!" I run towards her, cursing myself as I realize I slipped up once and now everything is over, she opens a letter and see's a request form and a picture of the weapon.

-Maka: "I finally got one!" I turn to see Soul running up and I hold up the letter as he reaches me. "See? Not that I'm gonna go for it but still...I always wondered why you got them but I didn't. I mean; I'm the one who turned you into a death scythe so why wouldn't weapons request me??" Feeling lifted up out of my sadness over Soul's words just moments ago I smile, feeling as though I'm finally good enough for someone to actually request me as their meister.

-Soul: I sigh and scramble my brain for a reason as to why she wouldn't get any requests in the past. "Because I'm the weapon, they assume the weapon did most of the work I guess. I dunno...anyways lemme just throw these away for you" I pick them up hastily and begin to head for the trash bin but Maka takes them back, I panic as I fear she may take one "u-uhm...s-sorry about what I said...I just...I...." I couldn't say it. I couldn't speak. My confession stopped in my throat and refused to come out. She looked down at her requests and I looked at Maka and, like I always do, examined her features and body a lot, it's been 4 years since the battle with Asura, so she's quite matured now, she's no longer tiny tits at all, nothing like Blair but surprisingly hitting a solid C-Cup, all those hours training have done her good as she now has a formed figure and a nice chest, not to mention amazing legs. All the girls have matured, Liz and Patty somehow developed larger breasts and Tsubaki even grew too, I guess it's only natural since during the Asura battle we were all barely hitting puberty whereas now were a few years to ending it. I blush when I notice her mini-skirt showing her yellow panties, the striped ones that I like, it has white and yellow stripes and a pink heart in the middle.

-Maka: "It's fine I guess. Just....why do you always have to say such mean things? I know I'm not hot and sexy like Blair or Patty and Liz but I'm not an ugly tiny tits like I used to be. A-am I...?" Usually confident in myself, my appearance is what knocks that confidence down, I was always over looked when in a group with the girls, guys gawked over them while I sat there disgusted by those pigs, but a small part of me, wished one would overlook my friends and take even a small pervish interest in me because I looked *sexy* or *beautiful* in his eyes over my friends, but each time I was only led to disappointment as the pervs flirted with my friends and I waited on a bench. I shook my head and stood up. "nevermind...just forget I asked" I turn to leave then Soul grabs my wrist.

-Soul: "Maka....are you....going to leave me...?" I look down trying to hide my embarrassment as I hope she smiles and assures me she won't leave, but no response comes. I look up and she had turned her gaze to the side, my eyes widen as my worst nightmare threatens to come to life "M-Maka??" My voice nearly cracks as I mentally beg her to say she'll stay with me.

-Maka: "I have to go to class, Soul" I avoid his gaze as I pull my hand away and head to class, holding my request letters in hand as I walk away.

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