Chapter 19 "Truth Comes Out"

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-Azusa: I rub my sore wrists as the Death Room door bursts open about 5 minutes after the message I gave them over the school mirrors. Kid runs in and points his weapons at me, while Blackstar somehow runs in and appears from behind me, holding my arm behind me ready to break it at any moment, while Tsubaki's ninja sword blade presses slightly against my neck. "I would like it if you would at least let me explain."
-Kid: Not lowering my pose, I look around and my father is no where in sight. "How the hell did you get out?! Where's my father! Answer me!"
-Azusa: "He released me."
-Kid: "Then where is he?!"
-Lord Death: "Kid. Please lower your weapon. I released her because she has knowledge of Maka and her life." I come out from behind my mirror.
-Azusa: "That is correct, I think I may know what's going on. I think Jinx removed Maka's soul and is hiding it. It is believed that a human can not survive without their soul, I believe Jinx, being a witch with the power she holds, has the ability to keep a humans soul alive. We all know Jinx's goal was to cause despair, so a dead Maka is what she needed to cause the ultimate sadness inside Soul's heart. I think she's trying to use Soul, if you remember from 4 years ago, the Kishan Asura battle, Soul discovered the *Little Devil* inside his soul that was created from the black blood."
-Kid: "Then I was right, she's trying to use him as a power source for her scheme, when Maka was devoured by a monster I saw his soul change into something that made me feel like that wasn't even Soul anymore. It happens anytime he hears about Maka being dead, that's another reason why I didn't tell him the truth earlier." I said towards Blackstar, Tsubaki and my weapons. "We don't know when his breaking point is so I didn't want to somehow cause him to go overboard with the truth. do you know everything that happened, I barely spoke to my father about it in the bathroom after we got back from Jinx's portal earlier today."
-Azusa: "My Clairvoyance ability." I see their confusion and I continue. "As you all know once I have some sort of resonation with someone I can use that bond to see what they see, hear what they hear, and in this case, feel what they feel. While I was locked up I've been wondering why Jinx has such an odd fascination with Maka, she's an astounding meister but I thought that's all she was, so I made sure to keep a close eye on her, then I suddenly felt as if my vision of her was being pulled different ways. One part of me was seeing her body being devoured by that monster, the other part was her soul being pulled from her body and concealed in some sort of magic, that's when I lost sight of her soul, the only lead I have is the small wavelength I'm getting from her soul."
-Kid: "If you're a weapon why can you see souls?"
-Azusa: "It's only because of my clairvoyance ability, as soon as her soul completely left her body I lost sight of it, but I still felt her wavelength swarming her soul. I feel it though, she's still alive, we just have to reconnect her soul to her body."
-Stein: "All you have to do is track down her wavelength to retrieve her soul."
-Kid: We all look at the entrance of the death room and see Stein standing in the doorway smoking a cigarette, Soul standing behind him carrying Maka in his arms. "That's what it seems like, but I still don't know if I can trust her. She was accused of working with witches!"
-Azusa: "*Accused*" I look Kid in the eye and glare at him. "If I happen to be right and Maka is saved, will that prove that I was wrongfully accused?"
-Kid: "How would that prove your innocence? Your charge is for committing suspicious acts with witches in secret. Helping to save Maka wouldn't prove your innocence, our evidence shows pretty strong proof that you're acting as a terrorist against the DWMA.
-Azusa: I grit my teeth and ball my fists. "I was researching because I'm the only one who can. Lord Death can't go out asking witches this type of thing, none of y'all can do it because being students y'all are under their radar. When I was a Death Scythe I was known for staying in the shadows, using my ability to get what outside information I needed. And if you were listening, Jinx is considered a nuisance among her own kind, she's the Cursed Witch remember? They'd rat her out to anyone who asked if it meant her death. I followed through with the investigation because I knew whether you won or lost, future generations would need this information since she's a reincarnation. The only reason I didn't say anything to anyone was because I knew Lord Death would most likely say no, or he would only allow it if I had guards with me. But in order to gain their trust I had to go in secret. The information I told you before is what I learned in my interviews, now whether they told the truth, I don't know."
-Kid: "Cursed Witch or not, I doubt they'd open up to just a random stranger looking to learn about a Jinx. What did you disguise yourself to be? A witch?"
-Azusa: I gulp and decide to come clean. "I...I asked Blair if she could assist me, not in using soul protect but to use some of her magic to give me witch-like presence, in order to be more convincing. If any witches asked I'd say that I recently learned of my blood and I'm looking to extend my knowledge, I lied to Blair though." I look down shamefully and blush alittle. "I told her a lie that I figured would be convincing if it were up her alley of interests."
-Kid: "What was the lie?"
-Azusa: "I...I told her I needed to buy a certain potion to help make me more appealing to men. That caught her attention right away, she offered help but I refused and said it was just temporary, she smiled and disguised my wavelength and soul to give off a magical essence, then left and said her magic would wear off after a certain time period."
-Blackstar: I can't help but snicker under my breath, I see the blush and irritation on her face and back off a bit. "Hahaha wow, what a lame story, you know. Even I know, as a former death scythe you could've just told her it was official business and that you needed her magic to help you out."
-Azusa: "Shut it you annoying brat. If I thought that would've worked I would've done it idiot. But then I didn't want her getting in the middle of all this because of me so I made up that lie to ensure she didn't get in trouble. That's why I didn't confess this until now because she might've been locked up with me."
-Soul: "She's a stupid cat, she would've escaped even if she got caught. The point is you lied about your identity, snuck into witches territory, got information that endangered not only your life but all of ours because of your sneaky plan, and all for what? A few pages of crap that doesn't matter anymore." I hand Maka to Stein and I walk up to Azusa glaring at her. "Stop wasting my time and find my meisters soul. Now!"
-Kid: In an instant I shoot him down, I turn to Stein and and he blows out a puff of smoke from his cigarette and nods.
-Stein: "Take Maka to my lab and set her on table B, they're isn't anything I can do for her until we get her soul back. Blackstar, grab Soul for me and place him on Table A in my lab, I'll follow shortly." They nod and head back, Tsubaki starts following and I grab her arm. "Please stay." They all hesitate before heading back, Tsubaki staying back as they leave. I turn to her and crank my screw, once it clicks I place my hand over her stomach. "Why is a piece of Blackstar's soul inside of you?"

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