Chapter 14 "Gone Forever"

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-Kid: I walk around the academy, admiring it's symmetry while at the same time thinking of what we can do to get Maka back to her former self. Still, I find it odd how she was able to free herself from madness but yet she can't even free herself from her own mind.

-Liz: "What's going on Kid...?" I finally speak up as I've been following my meister circle the school 8 times, knowing he'd freak if I interrupted him before or after that many laps. "It's been 3 days since anyone has said anything about Maka or Soul or anything. Why is everyone acting like nothing's wrong?" It's true, 3 days ago I was traumatized with the sight of my own limbs being torn from my body, Soul went with Maka and they disappeared in a dark pool of black nothingness. All we could do was stand there and let Soul go as we all somehow knew Maka was easily stronger than all of us at the time.

-Kid: "Just let it go. There's no need to worry, Liz. We will get Maka back to normal and we will defeat Jinx."

-Liz: "How can you be so sure when nobody isn't even saying anything though?! Stein has locked himself in his house, Lord Death just stares at the Death Mirror, Spirit does creepy dad stuff to his Maka doll which I'm pretty sure that's not healthy to even own! Roaming the academy isn't getting you anywhere. You're acting different, what's going on in your head..."

-Kid: "When Jinx trapped me inside my head, I was at peace for the first time in my life. I didn't have to worry about if anything was symmetrical or perfect, I wasn't even bothered by the lines of Sanzu not being fully connected. I was...relaxed." I lower my head.

-Liz: "What's that got to do with anything? We need to think of a way to get Soul and Maka back!" I step forward and grab his shoulders, in a swift movement he crosses his arms upward and swipes my hands off of him, he glares at me and for the first time I'm actually frightened if Kid.

-Kid: I grit my teeth as I grab hold of Liz's neck, not fully choking her but making sure I have her full attention. "Why? So they can be together? I don't want Soul to come back...he'll just take Maka away from me!!" With a tight grip of my hand I slam Liz into the wall, anger building faster and faster within me. "I won't let that happen."

-Liz: I stare up at Kid as I lean against the wall, I can feel the bruises on my neck beginning to form and blood trickle down my forehead. "Kid..."

-Kid: "Maka is mi--" Pain. I feel a sharp, quick pain in my shoulder as I stare at Liz.

-Patty: "Hold it right there! I don't give a crap if you're my meister, Kid! Liz comes first before anything else!" I hold my hand up as if I'm holding an imaginary gun, my index finger turned into a pistol as I point it at Kid. "Sis transform...this obviously isn't Kid anymore..." In a split second Liz transforms and I pant as I regain my breath, shooting off our own wavelength takes a lot of out of us, I point Liz's pistol at Kid as he stares back at me with wide eyes.

-Kid: "What are you talking about of course it's me Patty."

-Patty: "Kid wouldn't do that to his weapon."

-Kid: "I guess I've been caught, at least I got the job done though." I smirk and jump on my skateboard, flying out of the school and floating to the roof to meet up with Maka.

-Maka: "You fool, you were caught."

-Kid: "I did my job and completed the task I was given, so it doesn't matter. You may begin."

-Maka: I sit cross legged at the rooftop and close my eyes, I clasp my hands together and blow softly onto my fingers. "Cage." I concentrate as a large invisible cage encircles Death City. "Locate." As if my brain were a super computer, I pinpoint everyone's location, Spirit and Lord Death in the Death room; Stein in his Lab; Blackstar and Tsubaki in the training grounds in the forest; Azusa in the dungeon, Liz and Patty, on the run. I chuckle as I find them all in a matter of seconds. "Madness Takeover Form." As if a reoccurring nightmare is taking place, the city is engulfed in red clouds and madness lingers everywhere. "Possess."

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