Chapter 4 "Reincarnated Curse?"

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-Soul: I place her notebook back in her bag and head for the library, as I pass the window on the library doors I spot a guy talking to Maka. His shirt untucked, a hat on, a half smile and leaning over the desk slightly towards Maka; he's...flirting...with MY Maka! Anger builds up and I ram the door open, he turns his gaze towards me with a *who the hell are you?* expression, but once he realizes that's it's me he turns and makes a run for it. I walk up to Maka as I glare at the kid while he runs out of the library. "Who was he? Why was he talking to you? What did he say?" A low growl-like grunt escaping my mouth.

-Maka: "Calm down Soul he was just asking about the witch we're going after; more or less I was the one asking if he knows anything. I can't find anything useful in these books so I was thinking some of the students might know something that could help us. Why do guys always do that when you're around?" I say as I turn a page in yet another useless book, all I find are spells and magic I've already read about and researched, nothing useful. I look up and see Soul gazing off in the other direction leaning his lower back against the table with his arms extended backward resting the palm of his hands on the table.

-Soul: I shrug and sigh as I lean my head back and pop my neck. "Don't know, they just do." I try to hide the fact that everytime a guy, and even the occasionally lesbian has ever approached Maka I always *took care of them* after their conversation ended; and by *take care of* I mean that I'm pounding their brains out and making sure they know better than to ever lay eyes on her ever again, especially if they were flirting, for the lesbians I just tell them to *piss off* so I wouldn't be seen as a woman beater. Weapon or not I didn't want anyone near Maka except our group of close friends and the occasional classmate she studied with. I sat in a chair and leaned back, keeping my balance as I leaned on the 2 back legs of the chair, I sighed as I tried to think of something that could be useful to Maka, since I suck at studying and my motto is *why do it the hard way if you can simply do it the easy way and still get everything you want out of it?* I chuckle lightly to myself as I think of how annoyed Maka gets at my mental motto. "Hehe so cute...."

-Maka: "Hm? What is?" I ask hearing his low but slightly audible comment.

-Soul: Realizing I said that out loud I laugh trying to brush it off, only resulting in falling back off my chair and banging my head on the ground with a loud thud. "Agh! Damn that hurts!" I rub my head and keep my eyes closed tightly to try and mentally reduce the pain, I feel warmth and weight on me, I sit up slightly and realize Maka is laying on me. Crap I must've knocked her over too! "A-Are you okay?! Sorry I--how fall...?" I ask realizing she was to the right of me sitting down and studying about a foot away from me at the table.

-Maka: "I-I uhm....! Well I saw you falling and uhm...." I stutter for my reason as I try to get rid of my blushing face, I look down a bit and realize I'm practically straddling Soul, I blush even brighter red and sit up, only to make our position look worse. "You fell over and I instinctively reached out to catch you but I grabbed too late and fell with you!!" Unable to hide my blush and embarrassment I babble my answer. "I didn't mean for this too--!" Soul cuts me off with laughter and falls back, laying down on the ground with his arm over his eyes. "W-why are you laughing! This isn't funny you could've gotten hurt!" Flustered now, forgetting about the position were in, I lean forward using his chest to hold myself up with my arms. "Soul stop laughing this--!"

-Soul: "You risked getting hurt to save me....hehe, sometimes I wonder if you understand the roles we play as partners..." I smile and chuckle again, I sit up and prop myself up on the palms of my hands and smile. "At least in battle I'll be the one keeping you safe..." I smile then look down and blush at our position, realizing that at any minute a raging boner will pop up. "M-Maka...?'re on my.....--"

-Maka: I look down curiously and remember our position, I blush hard and stand up abruptly. "S-Sorry!!" I turn away and clear the bright red embarrassment off my face, a minute later I take a deep breath and turn back to Soul, he's already gotten up and is placing the chair upright. "I couldn't find anything so were going in pretty blind. But I'm sure we'll win this fight and capture that soul!" I grin confidently and show my spirit, Soul grins and nods and as soon as we put away the borrowed books we head out on the mission. "I know our mission was set for after school but since I didn't find anything useful in the library were leaving now." We exit the DWMA and run down the stairs, we hop on Souls bike and he revs his motorcycle engine and speeds off to Steins location; me clinging to him from behind as he speeds down the roads at a high speed.

-Soul: My heart pounds as I feel Maka's breasts pressed against my back, I gulp hard everytime she tightens her hold on me, I try to keep my speed limit at a good number, but we get their quickly due to my fast speed and we see Stein and Spirit holding off a witch who looks like she could be in her early twenties or younger; she has long orange hair and orange eyes, her teeth are spiked and she's wearing what looks like a bikini with a mini skirt for bottoms and high heels, and what's obviously a very lustful and flirtatious expression on her face. It seems Stein put his Sutures to use as he practiced the same technique Medusa used with her Vector Plates, creating a sort of thick barrier on the ground caging the witch inside a large battle ground; if she stepped on even one suture, they would travel through her entire body and paralyze her instantly. I transform for Maka and Stein opens up a small path for us to enter the battle grounds and quickly closes it before the witch can escape.

-Mystery Witch: "My, my; what do we have here? A hidden secret beneath your souls?? Hehe, don't mind if I do..."

-Maka: The witch raises her hand and a flash of orange launches at me, a split second later it's gone and I'm unharmed, I smirk at how weak her power seems until I realize Souls bar is hot. Very HOT! I wince and drop him. "Damn..!"

-Stein: "Maka wield Spirit and I shall wield Soul. She's a jinx witch, and she cast a spell to throw off your resonance, she hasn't mastered it so it'll only last for 15 minutes and she can't recast the spell for an hour. So fight with Spirit and I'll wield Soul." I hold out my hand but she pushes it away.

-Maka: "No. We've had this problem before. I will fight with Soul no matter what...." My expression saddens a bit and I lower my gaze. "This may be my last fight with him. I won't put him aside. He's MY weapon!" I pick up Soul and wield him firmly.

-Soul&Maka: "LET'S GO, SOUL RESONANCE!!" We force a resonance between us and although it's weak due to the spell we're able to accumulate enough power to use at least 2 Witch Hunters back to back. Maka sends it flying, she dodges the attack barely but gets hit hard by the second attack, knocking her out unconscious.

-Mystery Witch: I feel myself about to pass about, I cast one more spell before I black out. "Jinxus thy heart...Jinxus thy path..." I black out soon after.

-Stein: Realizing what she did I sigh and place sutures throughout her body to make sure she doesn't awaken yet. I turn to Soul and Maka, "That spell.....she cursed the both of you. Until she awakens and lifts the curse you two will fall in and out of despair. This witches name is Jinx, the name is fitting, but only 1 jinx witch is born within each lifetime."

-Maka: "So a reincarnation..."

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