cheating - Ashton

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Ashton: You were in a queue at your local grocery store by your shared apartment with Ashton. While you were scrolling through your twitter feed, you stumbled upon a picture of Ashton snuggled up with you on the couch, you smiled remembering when the picture was taken; Ashton and you were having a movie night the day he got back from tour whenLuke sneaked a picture of the two of you. "Y/N and Ashton are so cute. I want to cry #yourshipname" You smiled clicking on the hashtag and found pictures of you and Ashton together throughout the year. Grabbing all the grocery bags, you headed home excited to show Ashton all the pictures of the both of you. When you got there you saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Thats weird we werent expecting any company. You thought. "HEY ASHTON IM HOOOOOME" you screamed enthusiastically. As you were walking down the hallway, you saw discarded clothing leading you towards yours and Ashton's bedroom where you heard muffled noises. Opening the door you find Ashton nearly naked with his arms roaming every inch of another girl, the sight nearly brought you to your knees. But you decided not to give Ashton the satisfaction of seeing your entire world crumbling down and your heart shattering to pieces. You just cleared your throught and Ashton turned around turning pale and his eyes wide open. "OH MY GO Y/N I CAN EXPLAIN" he came towards you with his hand out reaching for you. You meerly held your hand up stopping him and looking at the girl behind him who was picking up her things and scurrying past you to get out of the house. "I dont have anything to say to you, I'm leaving' you calmly said taking all of your clothes and stuffing them in your suitcase. "NO BABE PLEASE DONT LEAVE IM SORRY JUST PLEASE DONT GO. I KNOW I FUCKED UP IM JUST..PLEASE DONT LEAVE. I LOVE YOU" You winced hearing the last three words that should've brought you joy but now they just hurt. "Please dont say you love me" you said grabbing the rest of your things and going towards the door. "NO BUT I DO LOVE YOU PLEASE JUST LET ME EXPLAIN" he begged. "Theres nothing to explain, you were fucking another girl and I just can't believe you out of all people would hurt me like this. Bye Ashton" and with that you left, leaving Ashton a crying wreck. 

A/N I'm going to attempt to write preferences lol so ya  i hope you guys like these. I'll write a Calum one later

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