Little House on the Prarie

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So at my school, there's this thing called AR. It stands for "Accelerated Reader". I find it really stupid. You basically take a test and it determines what grade level you are reading at. That also means you have to read a book IN THAT LEVEL!

The teacher even expects us to have 50 FIRICKIN' POINTS by the end of the frickin' quarter/semester! Now, I don't read books I read manga. Wanna know the depressing part?! They won't let you read manga! Oh, sorry, "picture books" according to my English teacher. But if we DO read "picture books" they literally have cut out the "bad parts" in the manga.

The best part?! You can't read manga for AR points! Just normal books! Well if they let their students read manga then in my opinion they'll get done with their books easier and faster. I can read manga in a day. It takes days/weeks/months for me to finish one normal book!

Speaking of which, my parents have been on to me about reading 'cause of an email my teacher sent me and my parents! It said that I didn't have 15. FRICKIN'. POINTS. WHO CARES HOW MANY POINTS I HAD?! I HAD 11! THAT'S FRICKIN' GOOD ENOUGH TO ME! OH BUT NOT TO MY PARENTS! THEY HAD TO GIVE ME, LIKE, AN HOUR LONG LECTURE INDIVIDUALLY! 'Cause you know, they divorced. Overall I have 22 out 50 points. Well, now 37.5 out of 55.

I just grabbed a book and started to read it just to shut them up. Guess what book it, Little House In The Big Woods. Written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. A book my mom got from her grandma when she grew up. I didn't like to read it 'cause I don't like to be forced to do anything, especially read a frickin' book!

Sorry about the rant. Anyway it was kinda interesting and weird to read. Laura grew up with an..... interesting family. I know that she grew up back in the old days where technology wasn't around and now that's all the craze these days, but they lived a weird lifestyle.

Now that they knew I read one book of hers they want me to read the whole series! One book is fine enough. It's manga I'll read a series of.

Again, sorry 'bout the rant.

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