Imaginary Friends

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Here I am, just scrollin' through my social media when I come across something.... interesting. A woman drew and described what her imaginary friends looked/were like before going a medication. Curious me became intrigued and opened it to read about it.

Just imagine this:

Horse-like ears, deep green face of an alligator/wolf hybrid, huge brown and grey souless orbs as eyes, bright red and orangeish defying gravity hair.

You couldn't stare into its eyes otherwise you'd get trapped and feasted upon. Another one of her imaginary friends created a very high tech mask to prevent this though and it willingly put it on.

It seemed to have the body of a starved wolf, fur on its neck and half of its back, claws, you could kinda see the ribs, scales going down its front legs and close to the back legs, fur on the back legs, and three tails.

Each tail had something different at the end of it. The female symbol, male symbol, and a human skull. The human skull is how it ate and consumed the souls that were trapped.

The paws could instantly put you to sleep. So it needed special footwear.

It was never mean to her. She said it was a wise and honest creature from somewhere out of this world.


That was one imaginary friend. Here is another one-

Frenzo. A Hippogryph. The only difference? Instead of the horse part, it was a zebra.

He happened to be an extremely smart scientist and philosopher back in his home world, Tanabaruu. Tanabaruu was where all mythical creatures retreated after almost being extinct by us humans. "It is not within this world, but fairly close to earth." Frenzo told her. He even drew and showed her pictures of hand drawn images of his land.

Frenzo had helped her with mental issues when she was little. She would laugh at the stories he had told her about his homeland.

Why did he come to visit her? She asked him and it said word for word "Your other friends drew me to you. I wanted to study them, and to study you."


And the sisters:

Subterra Angelo. She is hard to make out since she was of love and light. She drew what she remembered Subterra might've looked like.

A wolf but thin and catish who was 5'0" white the purest white fur, had the deepest blue eyes, 15-20 tails that wrapped in a bulb, golden armor with patterns and strange writing around the body, head, and paws.

Subterra told her about life outside of Earth and where she came from. She can remember everything Subterra told her and holds it close to her heart. Subterra, in a way, seems inspirational. Why? 'Cause she seems wise.

"If you humans shared money, food, supplies, there would be no need for war. It is simple as that, child."

Then there's her sister who is almost identical to her. Her name's Superior Devvera. Her fur was pitch black and her armor was a deep blue. She said that when they first met Devvera was malicious.

Devvera wanted her to cheat, lie, steal, and profit off of her (child) body. She even tried to choke her in her sleep or make her vision blurry. Why would she do such a thing? 'Cause "her existence was bonded to hers and there was no way to become free".

Over the years Devvera got nicer and nicer. She even went everywhere with her. Even to bed.

Apparently she could sing as well. She would always sing her to sleep with her hauntingly beautiful voice.


Creepy images, huh?

I had no imaginary friends.... I tried to before, but it never worked. I can't even remember their name!

This makes me wanna write a story about imaginary friends like them now!

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