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Rebecca's pov (I am so excited! This is my new character who is gonna have a big role. Anyways. Proceed) Bridget Satterlee as Rebecca Black. Picture above.

Clasping my backpack tightly in my hand, I fling it over my shoulder. I'll be okay. I know I will. I walk into the school office and get a class schedule and everything else I need. The receptionist takes me to my first class and I thank them and stand at the door. I take a deep breath. I'm don't care what they think, I've never cared and it's the exact same now.

I take a deep breath and walk into the class, my hands now at my sides.

"You must be Rebecca Black?" The teacher says as I stand awkwardly in the doorway, all eyes on me.

I nod, without saying a word. If I do, I'm afraid of what will follow.

"Tell us a bit about yourself. Rebecca." The teacher urges. Damn.

"Well," I pause, "I come from Manchester, England. My family recently moved here, well, my dad did anyway, and, um... I'm here now." I explain, and even though I wanted to hide it, it's too late now, anyway. I can hear gasps and I grimace. They noticed it. They picked up on my accent.

"Did you hear her accent?" I hear in the form of many whispers across the class. The whispering eventually stops, as the teacher silences everyone, and everyone looks at me again.

I can feel it. I can feel their judgement, but, I keep my head up high and move over to an empty chair the teacher directs me to. "Take notes. We are continuing with the history of Great Britain." Oh the irony.


"Queen Elizabeth!" I hear someone shout after the class was over, as I am walking though the corridor. I continue walking, looking at the room numbers to navigate myself to the next class, trying to ignore the person who called me such a name.

As I look down at my timetable, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around slowly. "Ah, Queen Elizabeth, you finally notice me. Are you deaf? I have been calling you for half a century." An attractive guy states, I roll my eyes.

"Not deaf. Just not interested." I shrug, "What do you want?" I ask, purposefully deciding not to care about my accent which has been revealed.

"I want to take you to your next class." He grins. I raise an eyebrow.

"Why?" I ask, knowing he most certainly wants something in return. I know his type.

"Because I am nice person." He says, mocking surprise that I would doubt his motives.

"Hmm... Sure." I hum softly. He gasps and places a hand over his chest dramatically.

"How darest thee?" He mocks. I roll me eyes.

"Would you please make up your mind to either leave me alone, or take me to my next class? I would really appreciate it." I snap, shifting my weight from foot to foot, annoyed. He laughs and nods, leading me to the next class.

"Your class is right here." He says, leading me to a door.

"You coming in?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"My next class is different to yours, sunshine." I look down and enter the class. Except, it's not a class. It's a storage closet and I'm locked inside it, too late to do anything.

"Hey!" I shout and bang on the door, trying the door handle to see if he really locked it. He did.

"Hey! Let me out you idiotic little peasant!" I shout, grinning a bit at that. At least, maybe that wasn't the best thing to call him, especially when he's the only one who can get me out of this closet. I can hear chuckling and then footsteps. He left me! "Dammit!" I shout, banging on the door. I lean against the wall. I don't think I'm going to be let out soon. I look at my watch and then at my phone. Of course there isn't any signal in a storage closet.

I search my hair for a bobby pin and do a happy dance when I find one. I walk over to the door and fiddle, pushing the pin into the lock. Okay Becs. You can do this. I fiddle, turning it either way, moving it around but life isn't like the moves and it doesn't work.

"Dammit! Stupid movies!" I shout louder and bang on the door. I'm about to bang on the door a second time, but the door opens and I almost fall, as I was leaning on the door slightly.

I am met by a raised eyebrow on the face of a very, very attractive guy, and by the looks of it, he's a bad boy.

"Er... Thank you." I smile and race out the door quickly and to my next class. My head still filled with the image of his super attractive face imprinted on my brain.


It was in the cafeteria when I saw him next. The one who rescued me, if you could say it like that, I'm most certainly not a damsel in distress, but he was sitting at a table, the popular table, kissing a girl, wearing a very tight, microscopic, mini-skirt. I scoffed. He's one of those then.

I made my way over to a table where the people sitting around it looked the most friendly. I smiled widely.

"I'm Rebecca. Is it okay to sit here?" I ask, looking around at the group.

"Are you British?" A beautiful African American girl asks me.

"I am yes." I smile even wider, when she smiles and offers her hand.

"I'm Maya." She says and pats the seat next to her. "This seat is open."

I look around at the group members. There are multiple different races, and it's so beautiful to see everyone sitting together. Everyone equal. Maya introduces me to a whole bunch of people. They all smile at me.

Break goes quickly, but I enjoyed every minute of it. The people are so amazing.

"We would love to hang out with you next break." Maya smiles, linking her arm through mine. She's in my grade, and in my next class ironically.

We hop off quickly to the next class. Maybe, this school won't be too bad...

The Last Chance (Book 2 of the Cheer Series)Where stories live. Discover now