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"I have to kiss him?" I ask, shocked at the change of script. It's been almost two months of practicing with the arrogant jerk and he's not getting better. He arrives on time, but ignores the teachers, snubs me, most of the time, which I'm okay with, and smirks when someone gets the script wrong. It annoys me to no end.

"No silly," Miss Tolfair claps her hands, "He has to kiss you. The production is in a month, and we need to practice this scene as it one of the most important. You need to practice it. The scene begins with a kiss and then we go form there. Ready?" Miss Tolfair asks and we start the scene. My eyes meets Steven's and he smirks at me, with a wild look in his eyes. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no.

"Places everybody!" Mrs Logan orders and everyone shuffles into place. I have to stand by a fake tree, set in the middle of the stage.

According to the script, which I have almost memorised completely, I have to hum softly to myself, reading as I walk. So I do. I'm holding a Romeo and Juliet book actually, and I'm busy reading the balcony scene. All this mumbo jumbo, love isn't like the books in real life. The book is snapped shut and I look up at the person who was responsible. My hand flies to my hip.

"What is your purpose?" I ask, shaking my head. Steven laughs.

"Oh sweetheart, that you will never find out!" He smiles and he pulls me in for a kiss. It's fake, a show, put on for the world to see, but it feels like more, and I can feel that he's trying to get a reaction out of me, not as Katie, my character, but as Rebecca. I'm stiff, as I'm told to be, and I pull away first. My mouth drops open.

"How dare you? How dare you think you can take advantage of me! You arrogant fool!" Katie shouts, and slaps Steven's face. That wasn't in the script, but it was satisfying at the same time. He looks shocked. Take that Prince Nicolas, and take that Steven!

"What's wrong Katie?" Nicolas, who is actually disguised as a commoner, which my character, Katie doesn't know, smiles grimly.

The story is about Katie, who is three different princesses mixed into one. She is Snow White, Beauty from Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella. The different stories show in different places throughout the story, and Steven's character, Prince Nicolas, is the prince in all three. However, Katie despises Nicolas, as he is an arrogant, and cold character, but she doesn't know that he is the lovely prince she danced with during the Cinderella part of the story. It's complicated, but it's a really nice story.

"Nothing wrong. I have just confirmed my theory that you are you arrogant idiot, who thinks women will just fall at his feet, whenever he wants them to. But you are wrong. This woman won't!" I snap, stand on his foot, which was in the script, and walk away, leaving Prince Nicolas shocked and intrigued at the same time. After all, no one had spoken to a prince like that.

The next day there isn't any practice, so as usual, I'm walking through the halls as my usual role as Queen Victoria, it's actually quite entertaining. The different reactions are hilarious.

I am walking down a corridor, walking to the cafeteria. The corridor is relatively empty, because I stayed later in my art class because I needed advice on my latest project, so everyone is already in the cafeteria.

As I'm walking however, I suddenly land up into a storage closet, the door closes and it's dark. "Hello?" I ask into the dark. It's kind of scary, I mean this could be some creepy Edward Cullen moment, what would know? Am I about to be murdered in the storage closet? Shady. Quite literally. I shake my head, and as my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, I see a dark figure. Great. So I am about to be murdered. I eye a mop lying against the wall, and grab it in my hands.

"Stay back!" I shout, "I'm armed!" I look down at the mop and hold it in a attack stance. Deep laughter fills the room and the figure walks towards me.

I take a step back, and the figure takes a step towards me. I mentally gulp, and hope it doesn't show physically. I try to not show any fear, because I have heard that psychopaths can smell fear, unless it was actually bunnies, I shake my head, and suddenly the figure isn't so scary. I just imagine him being a tiny bunny, and I burst out laughing. The broom drops in my hand, but the figure keeps walking forward, and suddenly, it's not so funny anymore. I keep walking backwards, and the figure keeps walking forward, and I take another step, and my foot hits the wall.

I try to slip around the figure, but they catch me in their arms. Should I scream? I think I should scream, so I do. Except, nothing comes out except a small squeak. Seriously? Seriously? Oh my goodness. I'm such a freakin idiot. I mentally slap my head, which actually gets my one brain cell working, and I slap the figure, hard. So hard, that I hurt my hand. Damn Becs. The figure grunts, until I realise that actually, the figure is a male.

"Who are you?" I ask, I'm half expecting them to say, Bond, James Bond, but unfortunately, life is not the movies.

"I thought you would have figured that one out by now." The figure says.

"Um, not really." I state and the light switches on. It's Steven standing in the room, and he's smirking at me.

"Now you see me Rebecca. Now, listen, I need to explain something to you, and you need to listen." He orders, my eyebrow raises in annoyance.

"And you couldn't just speak to me in the corridor?" I fling my hands up in the air and he smirks, surprising right?

"What's the fun in that?" He asks sarcastically.

"Now listen, Rebecca," he spits, "I don't know what you think you are doing, but I deserve respect and you are questioning and standing up to my authority." He growls.

I burst out laughing. "Seriously? This is your bad boy vibe? Seriously?"

"Respect me Rebecca, or I will make your life a living hell."

"How am I questioning your authority?" I ask, curiously.

"You reject me. No girl has ever rejected me, and I refuse to let you be the first. You aren't worth that title. So Rebecca, reject me once more and I will make sure you have no friends, no respect, no title, and most certainly no social life whatsoever." He threats, seriously.

I pretend to take a moment to think about it, faking shock and fear, and out the corner of my eye I see Steven smirk. My mouth twists into a wide smile.

"Not gonna happen Daniels. You are a jerk. Threaten me as much as you want to, but I couldn't care less about your empty threats, because no matter how much you try to be the king, honey, I'm already the Queen."

Oh my goodness guys, I've had such bad writer's block it's not even funny. I'm still not quite sure where this book is going, so I will get there eventually. Bare with me y'all. I also know that the above things might be kind of confusing, so if I need to explain things better, please tell me. I love getting feedback, so please, get me going y'all. Sorry guys. Shaylee.

The Last Chance (Book 2 of the Cheer Series)Where stories live. Discover now