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I slammed my fist into his face, and it felt rather good for a few seconds, maybe when his hands reached up to grab his cheek, where I had punched him, but afterward, I knew I shouldn't have hurt him, because I was provoked. He wanted a reaction, and I fell right into his trap.

"Miss Black!" A teacher screams at me. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Um... I was just so, um... angry, I ah-" I start but the teacher cuts me off.

"Detention on Monday. If this happens again, I will send you to the principal's office. Civilised people do not punch others." The teacher screams at me. I rolled my eyes in my head. Civilised people don't have short tempers either, which therefore means I am uncivilised and I couldn't care less.

Then I realise that I've got drama practice and I've never had a detention in my life. I turn to face the smirking arrogant jerk. "You freakin idiot!" I yell, spin on my heels and head into the cafeteria. I just need to get away from him. However, as much as I hate to admit it, it's as much as his fault as my own. I'm an idiot, and he's a jerk. What a stunning combination.

I march angrily to my table that I share with my friends, and plonk down angrily on the table.

"Oh dearest! She's mad again!" Maya comments. I turn towards my African American friend.

"I am. At the usual." I tell her and her eyes drift over to Steven, who is sitting in his table in the corner with his fellow bad boy mates.

"I got detention because I punched him in the face." I complain.

"You idiot. Was it at least with it?" She asks, smirking slightly. I nod.

"It was."

"Good. I don't condone violence, but then again, he did deserve it." She admits and rubs my back. "So Katie," She says referring to my stage name, "He's attractive, how was the kiss?"

I raise an eyebrow at her question and she gently nudges me. "Come on Becca! I know you enjoyed it!" She looks into my eyes, like a crazy madwoman would. "I sense it, and I know you. You did enjoy it. You are just much too afraid to admit it." She smiles and ears a large spoonful of pasta.

"At least I'm not afraid to admit the fact the fact that I have a crush on someone." I retort. Her face stops smiling mad she nudges me hard in the ribs with her elbow. "Hey!" I say running the spot. Man she has a mean nudge.

"I am not afraid to admit I have a crush." She argues quietly, we are in the cafeteria after all.

"So you admit that you do have a crush!" I whisper and shout at the same time. It is possible.

"Wha- No... No!" She stutters. I smirk.

"Ha! I got you! I got you good and proper!" I smile and eat a mouthful of lettuce. I almost spit it out, but then I realise I'm trying to eat healthy, so I eat a tomato instead.

I look over to her. She has her arms crossed over her chest, her face in a small pout.

"Smile sweetie, it's not a bad thing." I wink.

Steven (hah! I'm amazing aren't I?)

I stood at the open door, smirking as I walked inside the party. I smiled. Booze, girls, music, fun. Jarred walks in behind me.

"Good luck bro." He says, patting my back and I walk into the pumping party. The music blares in my ears loudly, and I can hear my heartbeat thump loudly in my chest. A blonde girl comes up to me as a reach the dance floor, she puts her hand softly on my chest and I drown myself out again. I lose my conscience again, and I push down all thoughts of Melissa and my family, and I let my mind become empty, even though everything is screaming at me to leave, I stay. I stay and leave everything behind once again.


My phone rings suddenly as I take a swig of another cup of these cheap shots. In my drunken state, I can't quite read the caller ID, so I answer call anyway.

"Steven?" Comes a familiar voice, but I can't quite pick up who it is.

"Yes?" I manage to get out somehow.

"Where are you?" She says. I know it's a she. I laugh loudly. Her voice sounds funny. Like she's been crying.

"I'm-" I hiccup, and I bang my chest, "I am at a, uh, a party I think."

"You think?" She questions, "Which party?"

"I think it is Fiona's or maybe, maybe," I laugh, "Shrek's. Yeah. I think I am at Shrek's party!" I scream into the phone mic.

"Shrek's party!" I scream louder and a lot of other people repeat it. "Shrek's party!!"

"Steven!" She shouts, but I leave her hanging and I don't say anything and take another swig of the cheap booze. "Steven." She whimpers, and the sound of her voice is just enough to make me sober, but only for a little while.

"I'm at Alyssia's party." I whisper, I quickly end the phone call. That was a moment of weakness. I never should've told her, whoever "her" was, which party I am at. So, I take another swig. A moment of weakness. Never again.

I feel a cool breeze on the back of my neck as the door opens again. I groan. "Shut the door! Where were you born? A barn or something?!" I shout, and turn to look at the door as it doesn't close. Stupid door, but as I look at the doorway, in my drunken state, I see standing in the doorway, however late as she may be for the party, is my baby sister. She was the "her" on the phone, I realize now. Her hands are on her hips, and she looks fuming. She looks at me intently, and her eyes narrow. She walks over to me, pulls me by the arm, and I'm pulled with a great force outside the house.

"Ow! Lissa! You are hurting my caves!" I shout, but it seems she only grips me harder.

"You are drunk out of your mind! What the hell are your caves!?" She asks, clearly furious.

"Baby!" The girl who I was making out with earlier wails, as Melissa leads me out the door. I ignore her calls and allow myself to be lead out the house by my tiny sister. I should fight back, but I'm way too tired to do so.

She continues to drag me by my arm to the car. She opens the door and helps me inside. Then, as I try the car door handle, I found that she had locked the door, before I could manage to get out.

She walks to the other side, and climbs in the driver's side. She doesn't even look at me and she starts the car. I manage to make out the time. It's only 9 o'clock.

I groan, "Why do I have to go home? It's so early!" All she does is close her eyes for a few seconds, as if trying to cool her temper, but soon, she opens them again and starts the car. She sighs softly, and turns off the gas once again. So, we sit in silence in the front yard of the party house. Suddenly, I don't feel so drunk. In fact, I feel very, very sober.

After a long, uncomfortable silence, my twin decides to finally speak. "Listen now and listen good." She orders, and I take the time to really, truly look at my twin. She looks completely frazzled. Her hair is falling out of it's unusually messy bun, she is wearing sweatpants and slippers. This is completely unlike her. She loves her sneakers.

Her eyes are tired and puffy. She looks straight at the road ahead, but doesn't take a moment to look at my eyes. The eyes that mirror hers, and man, I'm tired too.

The Last Chance (Book 2 of the Cheer Series)Where stories live. Discover now