Clint Barton (Hawkeye) #2

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Requested by Sierralyn13

You smiled walking down the corridor with none other than your lovable cousin Natasha. You both were Russian bells and both work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Nothing was happening today so you and Natasha just decided to hang out. She was wearing her normal Black Widow suit. You on the other hand, had a black tank top, black sleeveless jacket over it and black leather jeans and high heel ankle boots. On your back, your favourite weapon, your bow and arrows. You were a master at archery and also excellent at martial arts. You and Nat walked down corridor, both your heels clicking loudly. There were a few people walking around, doing their work, other agents S.H.E.I.L.D had empolyeed were being showed the ropes.

You and Nat walked into the main room, you smiled at Maria standing next to Fury, she was showing him things on the monitors, she nodded lightly back at you and continued what she was doing. "Nat" you heard a voice call. Both you and you;re cousin turned and looked over your shoulder at who had called her. Seeing Clint, you bit her lip to suppress a smile. Clint looked at you, his eyes seemed fixed on yours. "Yes Hawk ?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow as she folded her arms over her chest. He looked away from you and you relaxed yourself, he looked at Natasha and nodded "Steve wants go see you" he told her

"Why ?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows lightly. "Talk to you about training" he explained. Natasha nodded and unfolded her arms as she looked at you "You gonna be okay ?" she asked. You nodded, smiling at her "Of course" you said. She smiled lightly and turned back to Clint as she began to walk towards him "Look after Sierra" she said seriously. Clint smirked at Natasha playfully and nodded. Natasha walked and turned the corner disappearing from sight, just leaving you and Clint. You smiled at him nervously. You had a crush on Clint, you always liked the strong, silent type. Right now you felt awkward around him. You were used to hanging out with him and Natasha, or another avenger, but never just the two of you. "Sierra" Clint said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Yeah ?" you asked, straightening your posture. "Would you like to go to the archery room ?" he asked

You looked at him and smiled widely "I'd love to" you said. The both of you quickly made your way to the archery room. He held the door open for you and you walked inside. There were targets on the other end of the room, they were high and low and in different positions. "Okay" Clint grinned as he pushed the button next to the rows of spare arrows. Many different training materials popped up. There were little barriers for hiding behind. This was to simulate if you had to hide behind a wall and time when to shoot at your target. Then other walls were where targets on strings would pop out and you would have to try to shoot it as it came out. You smirked looking at the room. You loved archery and this was a way to test your skills.

Clint smiled as he saw your face light up, but you didn't notice due to you examining to room. "You ready ?" Clint asked walking towards you. You looked over your shoulder at him and smirked, nodding lightly.  "Okay" he chuckled "Let's do this" he grinned.  

You can Clint began practicing, it was an adrenaline rush even though it was training. You to made a great team and helped out the other. All of both of your shoots were spot on. No one would stand a chance against you. But there was one move you couldn't master that Clint could. "Damn it" you groaned, standing up straight after another failed attempt. "Here" Clint said walking over to you. The move you were trying to do was stand on one of the walls, shoot, jump, tuck and roll, stand up, reload and shoot again. The part you couldn't do was when you stood up you got slightly dizzy and you couldn't reload due to your arrows in your satchel on your back and placing it in the arrow was awkward. 

You looked at Clint as he walked over to you "Try again, I'll help" he smiled. You took a deep breath and nodded, you re-positioned yourself and started to move, When the reload came you could feel dizzy. You reached back and Clint pushed your satchel up higher, then using his other hand to steady your arrow arm. You did the reload and shot with out a problem. You smiled widely and turned around "How....?" you trailed off flabbergasted. "The strap on your satchel is too loose, it taks more effort to reach back and from the tuck and roll your hand position on the bow got shifted" he nodded smiling at you. You grinned at him "You're honestly the best Clint"

"You're not too bad yourself Ms.Romanoff" he teased playfully "I'll show you how to reposition your arrow after you get the bow" he told you. You nodded smiling and turned around. You held the bow in one hand and the arrow in the other "Okay" he said as he placed his hands over yours "Hold here" he said moving your hand up the arrow. He turned it and moved it towards you, using his other hand on yours, he placed the arrow on the bow string "Now tilt the your hand a little and let go" he said softly and both of you let the arrow guild through your fingers, through the bow and into the centre of the target. 

You smiled looking at the arrow sticking out of the yellow centre on the target. Clint's hand were still placed on yours as he looked at the arrow. You looked over your shoulder at him, the both of you still smiling. He looked down at you and got lost in your eyes and you the same. You and him didn't move just looked at each other, taking in every little features. Slowly Clint started to move in and so did you. Your back was against his chest and you could feel his muscles through both of your clothing. You closed your eyes as your lips met. He kissed you softly. You dropped the bow and turned around so you were facing him properly, not breaking the kiss. You cupped the back of his neck pulling him closer, one of his hands snaked around your back the other moved to cup your cheek. He kissed you harder as you gently pulled at the ends of his hair. You placed your other hand on his chest and gently pushed him back up against the wall. You bit his lip smirking, before he kissed you deeper and passionately. You didn't know Clint had these feelings for you, you thought you were like a sister to him. But obviously he returned the feelings you had for him. After what seemed like forever you both slowly pulled away. Resting your forehead on his, your eyes still closed as you savoured the moment. You felt his hand placed a strand of your hair behind your ear. You opened you eyes and looked at him, he was smiling down at you and you were smiling just as happily as him. "Go out with me" he said. It was more of a statement than a question, but that's one of the things you liked about him, he was straight forward. You nodded lightly and continued to smile "I'd love to Barton" you teased. He chuckled slightly and leaned down kissing you again.

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