Loki #3

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Requested by StrongerThanIWas

You were standing in the main room of the Helicarrier, looking out the big glass window. You could hear everyone working behind you, but you were in your own little world of your thoughts. You, Steve and Tony had captured Loki, you were not waiting on word of what was to happen with him. Your hands were placed behind your back as you stood there, looking out at the clear blue sky. You remembered the look on Loki's face. His jet black hair was slicked back and his clothes were dark, bringing out the strong green of his defeated eyes. 

A tap on your shoulder snapped you out of your daze. You looked over your shoulder to see your father Phil...well adoptive father, but you whenever you talk about him you just said father. You smiled at him and turned to face him fully "What is it Agent Coulson?" you asked removing your hands from behind your back. You always liked to call him by his last name when on the job, but he didn't do the same. "Loki is in a watch room Rosaline" he told you smiling at you. You nodded in response, before he spoke again. "Fury was hoping you could go and speak to him, see if you could get any information?" he asked you. "Of course" you replied. "Agent Hill will bring you to him" he smiled again. You looked over and saw her waiting for you by the door. "Thank you" you said, before making you way over to Maria. You and her were always on a first name bases, she was a really good friend of yours growing up. You reached her by the door and hugged her lightly, you hadn't seen much of each other since everything started and you were needed with the team.

She brought you through to the watch room where Loki was in a big glass box, you looked at him as he slowly paced back and fourth in the cell, unknown to your presence. You looked over your shoulder at Maria and nodded. "Let's go Agents" she said to the two men watching Loki, they nodded at her and they all walked out, closing the door behind them. The shutting of the doors caused Loki to look up and see you, he stopped pacing and stood still with his hands by his sides. "Rosaline, one of my capturers of should I call you Electronic?" he said taking a step towards the front of the glass. You made your way over to him, standing a few feet back "Hello Loki" you said professionally. He narrowed his eyes looking at you "Why are you here? Did my brother send you?" he asked. You shook you head lightly "No, Fury did. He wan't me to talk with you and I was happy to" you explained. "Happy to?" he repeated chuckling lightly "People aren't happy to speak with me" he nodded "Well I am" you shrugged slightly. "Why?" he question raising an eyebrow. You could see that you had slightly gained his interest, you could also see the clarity of his green eyes as the light hit them, they were an amazing shade of green you hadn't seen before. You blinked a few times to get back to what you were doing.

"Well, I wanted to hear what you had to say" you told him as you sat down on the ground in front of the cell. "Any mind tricks won't work with me" he said sternly "No mind tricks" you said shaking you head. You removed the ear piece that all the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents wore and placed it in front of you "Just me, you and talking" you nodded. You didn't believe in being mean to him to try and rustle out information like everyone else did. Maybe being nice and honest could work, that's what Loki was. Well the honest part, he told people exactly what he wanted. So why wouldn't you? "You are an odd specimen" he said curiously. "Ah...Thanks?" you laughed lightly. He chuckled at what you had said...you could tell he'd relaxed a little which made you smile. "So Loki, ready to talk?" you asked still smiling. "If it means Fury staying keeping out of this room or my brother coming to pester me, fine" he nodded as he sat down aswell. "What would you like to talk about?" you asked, smiling lightly. He opened his mouth to speak then turned his head to look at the cameras in the room. You followed his gaze and huffed lightly and used your telekinesis to switch off the camera. Loki paused for a moment and realizing it was you he turned to look at you and smirked.

You grinned looking at him. Your powers consisted of telekinesis, mind reading, creating an invisible shield, healing people and electrocute people through people with your hands, that's where you got your name from. Electronic. Your father was the one that helped you come up with it. "Well there seems to be decency within S.H.E.I.L.D, you know that privacy is well respected" he nodded towards you. "Now we can talk" she told him. "My ear piece is out so I can't be told what to say and no one is watching us or listening" he gave you a look still suspicious. He was Loki and of course he was going to be suspicious of you for two reasons. 1 You captured him and 2 You were apart of the Avengers team. He took his time thinking about it before nodding and beginning to talk to you, he explained everything he had to say to you. He had his reasons, they might have been a bit overboard but at least he had reasons. After he finished speaking he said it was only fair to talked about yourself and so you did. You told him about your life, that Phil was your adoptive father. That was a thing you both had in common, something you could relate to. After about an hour of you to talking, you saw him start to smile, a genuine smile. No smirk or grin, a smile showing off his pearly white teeth, he looked amazing when he smiled.

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