Loki #2

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Requested by iamevablazevska007

You made your way through your home town of New York, you were on your way home from the movie theatre with your friend. You had been to see Deliver Us From Evil the new horror, your friend practically dragged you there. Your brown hair was cascading over your shoulders, blowing lightly with the wind as you walked. It was only coming towards evening time and there were many people about. You took a breath and looked around slightly as you walked. You checked your phone seeing the time, you had no where to be so you decided to take your time. 

You were walking along the sidewalk, people walking past either on their phones, with other people or alone. Then there was other people driving in their cars, but there wasn't much traffic. You smiled light feeling the sun come out from behind the clouds, though it was only beginning to set it had a good amount of heat radiating from it. You ran your fingers through your hair as you slowed down your pace and decided to take a seat on one of the benches. You sat down but at an angle so your body was turned to face the road. Your eyes were fixed on the cars and the road as you slowly started to drift. 


You were in the back of a taxi on your way home from you get away trip and the traffic was mad. You were looking out the side of the windows waiting for the cars to move along. "Oh my God" you heard the taxi driver say. You turned your head and looked at him, an eyebrow rose "What is it ?" you asked confused. He turned and looked at you "Just wait here, I'll check what's going on" he told you. You took a breath and nodded lightly as you sat back in you seat, watching an the taxi driver got out and closed his door. You looked out the windows again and saw everyone getting out of their cars. You looked out the windscreen and saw what was going on in the sky. Your jaw dropped as you sat there.

Suddenly a car got hit into the left side of your taxi. You saw things coming out of the sky, everyone began to ran. The taxi driver went to your door and tried to pry it open, but it wouldn't work. A group of people came running and the taxi driver got stuck in the crowd and taken away. You were trying to unclasp your belt but it wasn't working, the other car ramming into the taxi had messed it up. You looked and saw the things that were coming fro the sky getting closer. You finally got the belt to unclasp when one of the 'things' as you called them, flipped over a car in front of you. You screamed and ducked down onto the backseat floor. The other car landed and in the process of touching the ground, the taxi got flipped backwards. You tumbled in the car and opened your eyes, you groaned and pushed yourself up. The car was on it's roof, you tried to crawl to the door and yanked on the handle. "Help" you screamed "Help!"

Just then the door flew open, you looked and saw a black haired man dressed in green. There were strands of his black hair sticking out of place and you could see his sparkling green eyes. You looked at him in awe for a moment. Forgetting all the havoc going on around you. "Come with me" he said, offering you his hand. You quickly took his hand and he placed his other on your elbow as he carefully pulled you out. He got you out and you both started to jog through the rumble and turned over cars. You were jogging next to him as he was leading you to safety. He jumped over a car in the way of your path, helping you once again. Just then an explosion occurred. He pulled you close to him and you tucked behind the car. You could feel his muscles through his 'suit'. You looked up at him, once again your eyes landing on his. "Hurry, it's just over there" he said standing and taking you with him. You both ran to a nearby coffee shop and he pulled the door open for you. "I have to go" he panted as he went to walk away "Wait" you called. He quickly turned to face you "What's your name ?" you asked looking at him. "Loki" he nodded and tried to go again. You quickly grabbed his wrist "Where can I find you?" you asked. He smiled lightly looking at you. Though there was chaos going on you were so persistent. "Asgard" he told you, knowing that you were a Midgardian and probably wouldn't believe him. You smiled and let his arm go. "Quick go inside" he said. You nodded and went into the coffee shop, closing the door behind you watching him jump on to a flying objects one of the 'things' were flying.

*End of Flashback*  

You blinked and shook your head lightly snapping yourself out of your flashback. You sighed and looked down at your watch. You stood up from the bench and began walking down the street. You had to get home. You shared an apartment with your best friend Ivana and you promised to help her get ready for her date. You looked down at your watch again, you had been sitting for such a long time and you hadn't even noticed. You huffed and started to walk faster, just as you were about to look up you walked into someone. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" you said, looking up from your watch. "It's fine" the man chuckled lightly. You pushed your hair out of her face as you looked at him. Your mouth opened lightly. The eyes. You'd remember those green eyes anywhere "Loki ?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

He looked at you slightly confused "You're a Midgardian, how do know of me?" he asked. You smiled slightly and rested you hands in your pockets "I'm Eva, the girl you saved from the taxi." you laughed softly. His confused look changed to a happy one. "You recognized me even in these Midgardian clothes?" he asked "How did you do so?"  he asked. "Your eyes are hard to forget" you admitted. He smirked and looked down for a moment before looking back up at you "Where are you headed?  You are rushing" he nodded. "Um, I was on my way home....."  "To your boyfriend" Loki cut you off. You shook your head looking at him "I live with my friend" You saw a slightly glimmer in his eyes.  "Well Eva, I was raised well and in Asgard, we treat all woman with respect and like princesses. Would you lore to dine with me?" he said, smiling sweetly. "As a date ?" you asked. He nodded "If you want it to be, then yes"  You bit your lip and nodded "I'd love that" He held out his arm and you linked yours in his. You both started to walk back down the sidewalk. You pulled out your phone and quickly messaged Ivana "Sorry, I can't help you get ready. I have a date of my own"

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