Clint Barton (Hawkeye) #1

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First ever conversation

Your name is really Madison Coulson

But your use Madison Kingsley so people don't know your related to Phil.

You were working with S.H.E.I.L.D for years, Phil Coulson is your uncle but you don't like to tell anyone. You don't want them to think there's any special treatment, cause there isn't. You walked around the lab your clipboard in hand, you sat at your desk taking off your lab coat. You look up at the tesseract and shake your head. You look down at your clipboard, checking the recordings.

"Any news?" you hear, you look up slowly seeing Clint.You've been here for so long and Clint never once spoke to you, you exchanged looks and nods every now and then but never spoke. You liked Clint alot, he was nice and kind, but he just never talked with you.

You smile slightly and flick the pages On the clipboard "She's acting weird, like she's frustrated, her behavior's totally off" you huff looking back up

He arched an eyebrow looking at you "She?" he questioned

You laughed lightly "That's what I say"

"Why?" he asked sitting on your desk, you leaned forward slightly pretending to look through your files so you wouldn't stare at him.

You smiled slightly "Well, because she's an energy source, we turn her off, she turns back on. It's like she's alive"

He nodded, you looked up leaving your files down "But why a she? Why not a he?"

You laughed lightly "Well because she's like any female, she's stubborn and doesn't stop, she can't be turned off"

He smiled looking at you making you blush "I guess you're right Ms.Coulson"

You looked at him an raised an eyebrow "How did you know I'm related to Phil?"

He chuckled looking to the side before looking back at you "They don't call me Hawkeye for nothing"

You see him smirking making you smile

"What nickname do they have for you?"

You shook your head "I don't have one, I'm just plain Dr.Kingsley"

"Actually you're Dr.Coulson" he smirked "Let me give you a nickname"

You smiled looking at him as you crossed your legs "Okay"

"Mischievous woman" he grinned getting off your desk, you stood up smirking slightly

"Why that?" you asked

He looked at you over his shoulder "Because you are mischievous, like Natasha. Except you lie better" he smiled.

You smiled looking down tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you look back up "Can I ask you something Clint?

"Of course" he nodded

"I've worked here for years, we know each other to see. You never once spoke to me. Why?" you asked titling you head to the side

"Well why didn't you talk to me?" he asked smirking, you looked at him amused.

You shook your head "I just never got around to it" you shrugged "Do you even know my first name?"

"Yes" he smirked walking away

"Well what is it?" you called after him

You hear a small chuckle from him making you smile "It was nice to finally talk with you Madison"

You smile brightly glad he's not looking, to see a blush creep On your cheeks "You too!"  you said enthusiastically

You turned around and started to walk to the tesseract, you look around seeing all the other scientists gone. You take a breathe and turn around, only to see Clint standing in front of you

"Hi again" you laughed lightly

"Would you like to get a coffee Madison?" he asked smiling at you "I'd like to talk more with you"

You grinned widely and nod "I'd like that too"

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