Chapter 1 - the wonderful wizard of oz

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( y/ n pov )

I had just quit that absolute shitey
Of a job at ratatouille 'the greatest restaurant In vale ' but that is nullsshit it's run by a fucking rat for fucks sake

I was bored so I decided to continuously pace on front of a shop titled from dust till dawn but then I saw a black haired loli riding on a red haired guy as they flew through a window . Before long more red hairs gooonss came out of the shop revealing a mysterious ginger behind them

You : you ! Ginger !
Ginger : who me ?
You : do you see any more gingers around here you daft cunt . Now anyway you will give this shopkeeper his dust ... Now .
Ginger : or what

I hold my thumb up to him with a serious expression

I hold my thumb up to him with a serious expression

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You : I killed a man with dis thumb

I see d'gimger express and expression of fear before regaining his composure and lunging at me with his blunt ass cane I dodge out the way and slam my thumb into the back of his head sending him flying out of the shop
I then see the black haired loli
Beating up the goons

You : congrats you managed to cuck me but that ginger is getting away
Black haired loli : oh shit

Suddenly she took off and flew to the roof where the ginger twat fled ( yeah ruby can fly don't question it ) I follow simply by using my sexually strong calf muscles to jump straight to the top of the building only to be greeted by the black haired loli and some kind of BDSM fetishist fighting of a woman in a bullhead being piloted by the ginger twat .

Black haired loli : are you gonna fucking help or what you dirty French twat or are you gonna surrender like the rest .
You : ow heartburn

I sigh as I jump in the air and slam my thumb onto the top of the bullhead knocking it out of the air

( ruby pov )

W-w-whaaaa did he just knock down a bullhead with his thumb ? Huh I guess he rally isn't like the rest of the French

(Y/n pov )

After the bullhead ceased the three of us approached the wreckage to find those to little fuckwits had escaped

You : oh they got away ... Shame
Black haired loli : how can you be so casual they just tried to kill both of us
You : I've watched an old friend of mine almost get shot in the head by a penguin . This barely phases me
BDSM bint : you two there is someone who wishes to see you
You : kk love
BDSM : your not going to question this?
You : nope
BDSM : right this way then

Le timeskip

I was in a dark room with the black haired loli who's name was apparently ruby and then a man walks in , a man I know all to well . He wore a green scarf and black thongs and a nazi armband

You : uncle ozpin ! How ya been buddy
Ozpin : SEIG HEIL ( as ozpin says this distant cheers are heard )
You : seems as though your whole nazi regime is actually working well huh
Ozpin : I know right people are finally starting to see that Jews are worse than the Faunus
You : ooook then
Ozpin : anywho I'm here to invite you to Beaconio academio
Ruby : omg really
You : do you really think the "fuehrer"
Would lie to his people
Ruuby : r-right
Ozpin : I'll see you two at Beaconio academio bullhead leaves tomorrow

And with that I leave and ruby disappears
You : where the fuck did she go ? Meh I don't give a shit... Guess I should get ready fo' beacon

One thumb man ( male chef reader x rwby + dxd for fun ) Where stories live. Discover now