Chapter 4 - d'teams and d'dorm

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3rd person pov in da great hall

You , the interloper and Wallace as well as the rest of the beacon initiates stood there in anticipation of what teams you'd be on when the fuehrer himself ,ozpin ,Strutted onto the stage like a leopard with a bee hive up it's ass and began with his usual greeting

Ozpin : SIEG HEIL !!!!

Just like the first time 90% of those dumbasses saluted the bumbling moron but we did not

Glynda : look guys I hate this just as much as you but trust me you don't wanna get on the "fuehrer's" bad side
You : nope still not saluting

Glynda simply sighs and returns to ozpins side

Ozpin : right then my loyal army lets get to the teams . First up we have ruby rose , yang xiao long , Weiss schnee and Blake belladonna

Interloper : Jesus fuck they have to put up with Weiss
You: who ?
Interloper : *sigh* the white haired bitch , I hate her almost as much as yang
You : hate is an obstacle you must overcome
Interloper : is it really though ?

Weiss is then seen vigorously beating ruby and not in the sexual way

You : okay never mind even I hate that
Hey ! Leave ruby alone you snot nosed Popsicle throating bitch !
Interloper : the boys pheromones suggests he wants to mate with the female ( anyone who gets that reference to a film in 2007 congrats)

Short timeskip cus we all know who teams JNPR and CRDL are

Ozpin: and now for our final team , beaconio's first ever three man team , team JEW consisting of Wallace , the Jewish interloper and y/n Miguel who will be the leader

After this the three of you get on stage and everyone celebrates the teams that is until ... Wallace smiled . The hall fell into silence , the rest of the students frozen in terror from wallaces innocent smile . Interloper decides to break the silence

Interloper : oh Jesus fuck y/n's in charge
You : oh shut up now come on we've gotta get moving we have a dorm to decorate

You enter your dorm to se that much like every other default dorm has nazi propaganda on the wall and a
Built in gas chamber

Interloper : seriously !? Who the fuck out a gas chamber in here !!!?
You : aww what's the matter interloper ? Having flashbacks?
Interloper : yes Actually !
You : I get that you wanted to flashbang yang but you clearly hate this place so why not leave
Interloper : something about yang is weird to me
You : sounds to me like you have a crush
You : n-nothing
Interloper : good

You and your team begin to redecorate and get rid of the shitty nazi decor

Sorry for the long wait my kops I was being a lazy ass like usual . I need memes

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