Wonderful Science

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           ((A/N) this story was requested by TwilightMidnigh and inspired by TheDrowsyMoon. If you havent checked out TheDrowsyMoon stories then youre missing out! XD Hope you guys enjoy!))
             ((Y/N)) always felt like she had the world on her shoulders. Depressed, anxious, and it seemed she didn't know how right she was to be like this. Times were rough and the stress that bore down on her from just trying to live was astounding. It almost seemed like too much. It only got worse when she accidentally crossed paths with an angry gypsy woman who Supposibly cursed her soul to hell. Everyone she knew talked her into believing that the old woman was all talk, but something deep down inside told her otherwise. Not long after, she noticed a strange guy following her everywhere. Then strange and creepy gifts began to show up at her door. After a short time, and a call to the police, they seemed to stop. ((Y/N)) thought that it had all ended, until one night, you woke us in time to see your stalker bring down a butcher knife down upon your neck.
                ((Y/N)) gasped as she jerked out of hed, or at least her body did. Her head laying upon the pillow beside her body glanced at her heavily breathing body. With a calming breath, her hands reached down and carefully picked up her head, cradling it in her arms as her ((E/C)) eyes adjusted to the dimly light hotel room. Her ((H/L)) ((H/C)) hair messily dangled about her face as as she stood up and walked over to the dresser nearby. Carefully she placed her head on top of the dresser and got dressed in her work uniform. She didn't mind being the hotel janitor, but she did have a few problems with some hotel members stealing her head while she tried to work and playing keep away. This usually ended with her getting physically hurt seeing how her body seemed to struggle about after the thieves and running and tripping over everything.
              Carefully she combed her hair and fixed it to keep out of her ((S/C)) face before carefully picking it up and heading out. Once she got to the janitors closet, she pulled out her cleaning buggie, sat her head upon the cool flat surface top and began her long day of work.
                Cleaning up after demons was a nightmare. You have to be utterly prepared for things like blood, dead remains, various discarded or broken tools of distriction, and spills of all kinds of bodily fluids. Honestly, more than once the poor ((H/C)) haired girl had came close to hurling. A few times, she actually dis, only adding to more of a mess to clean up. Today was no exeption.
              While ((Y/N)) was cleaning up quite a nasty mess of what she hoped was not sexual juices, she felt her head being lifted off the cool cart. Gasping, she felt her head being turned so she was face to face with a certain spider demon.
              "Angel!" ((Y/N)) hissed out as her body dropped the cleaning items in her hand and stood in a angry stance. "Put my head back! You know it's hard for me to work with you always nearing up and moving my line of sight!"
            "Nice to see you too, Angelcakes!" The spider chuckled playfully with a playful smirk. "You look as adorable as always!"
            With a sigh, her angry face softened to a pouty expression. "It's nice to see you too, you jerk." He half teased earning an overly playful laugh from the spider.
            "There's my overly sugary cleaning geanie!" He chuckled as he tiled his head slightly. "Hey, I need to ask ask favor of you. There's this guy I know... he's kind of coocoo for cocoa puffs if you get what I mean." He said using one of his other hands to motion circles beside his head. "I mean bat shit fucking crazy! Well, the guy has been locked up in his room turned evil labratory and Charice is worried he will end up killing himself from lack of eating and shit since he barely every leaves his suite. While I tried to think of a way to get the stupidly smart fucker out of his lab of moronity, I came up with this great idea, right?!" He said getting excited, missing the confused expression on the woman's face as he continued to ramble on. "If something caught his intrest, he will do anything to study it! That's when I thought what if it was a person! Someone nobody understands! So will you help me?!"
                  "What the hell are you spouting out, Angel?" ((Y/N)) asked with a curious glare.
                  "Well ((Y/N)), you are an enigma to most of us here!" He said with a grin. "You're head is completely severed from your body yet somehow you're able to talk, eat, drink, and your body still fictions perfectly normal! You're exactly what I need to get the little freak to stop putting himself at deaths door again!"
              "You really think I could make that big of a difference in this guy's life?" The ((H/L)) haired girl asked a bit hesitantly now.
               "trust me, Dollface! You're like a walking wet dream for the guy!" The spider smiled widely. "And if you help me out, that will mean I owe you a favor." He spoke slowly as he brought her face closer. Their lips almost touching, making the girl blush like mad. Her ((E/C)) eyes widening like saucers. "And you know how strongly I hold owing favors to others, ((Y/N))." He purred out deep in his throat making it sound lust in yet terrifying scary at the same time. "So, does this mean we have a deal, Angelcakes?"
              "Y-y-yeah! Sure!" ((Y/N)) spoke stuttering like mad from the others mood swing. "I-i'll do it, just please put my head down!" She squeaked out  as her body trembled a bit put of her fear. The spiders grin grew as he walked over to ((Y/N))'s body and took her arm in a few of his hands before dragging the girl across the hotel.
              The moment the two were standing outside their destination, the ((H/C)) haired girl began to have second thoughts. Baxtor was rarely ever seen, but when he was, he gave off quite a horrifying presence. If it wasn't for the fact Angel was still cradling her head in his arms, the poor girl would have made a run for it and begged the spider for forgiveness later. Instead, she stood there, physically shivering in fear.
            "Ready to go?" Angel spoke as he looked at the head in his arms. Seeing the others ((E/C)) eyes look up at him with utter nervous fear, made his heart ache a bit, but he shrugged it off. Without hesitation, the spider reached out a free hand and knocked upon the door three times. Oddly enough, each knock seemed to creepy echo within the empty hall, adding to the poor janitors nervous shivers. Slowly the door creaked open to reviel a large, glowing, sinister red and green eye piercing though the inky blackness around it. The utter sight made the poor girl almost pass out from her terror.
             "Hey there, Baxter ol' buddy!" Angel said cheerily as he waved to the hidden person. "Remember me?"
             "How can I forget the shithead that almost distroyed my lab three times because he couldn't find a fucking can opener..." a deep threatening voice seemes to hiss though the door causing the spider to cackle loudly.
             "Aw! I'm so touch you remember me so well!" The spider spoke earning a death glare from the single eye staring at them.
            "What do you want, moron? I got a lot of work to do and you're interupting me!" He snapped. The sheer utter rage in his tone making the poor janitors close her eyes tightly I'm hope of being forgotten in their little talk. That was until Angel had jerked open the door and shoved the poor girls head into something cold and almost wet feeling. Slowly she opened her eyes to see a dark green fabric against her face. Slowly, she lifted her nervous gaze up to see an fish like demon. He looked down at the head in his hands with and quizzical look, making the poor girl even more nervous.
               "Ah..... hello?" She said with a hesitant smile. The fish demon raised an eyebrow before he lifted her head to get a better look at it. There was no tool set up for her to talk, yet she was able. He looked into the heads eyes as I'd trying to solve some hidden mystery before Angel cleared his throat, gaining both of their attention.
               "I know she's an attractive head and all, but there is more." The spider smirked pulling the girl's body from behind him to show it off. "Her body is fully functional as well as her head. I figured it would be something for you to look into." He said with a chuckle as he forced his way inside, guiding the poor janitors body into the room. Mumbling something about 'that damn batard better not touch anything' the fish demon slammed and locked the door with one hand while still holding the poor girls head, then quickly followed behind. As As if As if on que, the spider walked over to a table and knocked all the paper and chemicals odd to the ground, forcing the girl to lay down upon the freezing cold metal surface.
            "What the fuck are you doing?!" Baxter hissed as he physically him pedal at the sound of the glass vials shattering to the ground. Quickly he sat the head down and ran around the table to look at the damage done. Sighing he stood up and threw a large piece of broken glass at the intruding spider, which barely missed it's target. "You're fucking lucky that didn't end in some kind of toxic gass or even an exposing you bafoon!" The fish demon hissed as his fin like ears flared in utter bitter rage.
            "Calm your tits, Bax!" Angel chuckled as he leaned against the table near ((Y/N)). "I'm sure you'll forgive me once you get to know this babe here!" He chuckled as he pointed at the girl. "Since you haven't left this room in five months, you haven't had the pleasure of meeting our janitor. This is ((Y/N)) ((L/N))." He said with a grin. "She was gypsy cursed and then, to make matters worse... beheaded. How somehow, even though her head is completely seperated from her body, feels and races to thinks like any normal person." Angel said as he looked at the head nearby. "For example..." Angel spoke as he pinched the girl's upper thigh, making her yelp. Quickly the girl's hand reached out and smacked the spiders hand away while she pouted, only making him chuckle. "Also," He said as he began to tickle the poor girl's side. She squealed astnd giggled as her body tried to get away from the spiders grasp. Pulling away, the spider was unable to hold back his own giggles.
"She's quite an interesting girl, don't you think?" He asked with a smirk seeing the intrest actually shimmering in the angler fishes eyes.
                "Miss ((L/N)), would you like a drink?" Baxter asked trying t hide his semi excitement at his sudden experiment.
                "Um... sure." ((Y/N)) said softly as a smile pulled on her lips. "Thank you, Mr.Baxter." with a nodd the fish left for a few moments, returning with a hot cup of tea. He watched as the ((H/C)) haired girl reached out and picked up her head with one hand before carefully taking the cup from him. "Thank you very much." She hummed as she brought the hot cup close to her face, blew it a little to cool it down and carefully took a small sip. As she drank it down the bit of neck on bother her head and body showed signs of swallowing and both physically seemed ro relax from the warmth of the beverage.
              "Interesting..." The angler hummed quietly getting a curious look from the girl and an all knowing smirk from the spider.
              "Well, all in all I just wanted you to meet someone other than me." He said happily as he picked up the headless girl so suddenly, she almost dropped her head. "But poor ((Y/N)) as much work to do and I personally have to see a friend about a favor." He spoke as he began to walk off. "till next time Bax!" He called, not mission how the other seemed to be very unhappy about them leaving. Walking down tell hallway he caught a glimpse of Baxter's reflection off a vase watching them leave. A twisted smirk pulled on the spiders mouth as he muttered quietly under his breath. "Hook. Line. Sinker."
                  The next few months were a bit weird. Everywhere ((Y/N)) went, she found the fish following in the distance. He would hide when she would turn his direction or walked his way, so she didn't approach him. He did seem to be doing something... almost like taking notes? It didn't matter if it was work, off duty, breaks of all kinds, he always seem to be not too bar behind... watching her... it was beginning to get a bit creepy, until one day. It finally stopped. Honestly he was stalked before and it left a terrifying impression on her. She found it hard to sleep in fear that the strange demon would sneak in and do something horrible to her. It got so bad, she could barely sleep. In her worry, Charlie had to resort to asking Angel for drugs that would help the poor girl sleep. The spider began to a worry for his janitor friend and slowly began to regret ever introducing the two.
             "I didn't know about her being stalked while she was alive... fuck if I knew that ik wouldn't have introduced her to the weirdo." Angel sighed as he took a drink of his vodka.
             "Bax is a weird fucker, that's for sure..." Husk muttered as he put away his clean glass and poured more alcohol in the spiders glass. "Did you forget about jenny?"
              "Jenny?" Angel suddenly remembered and groaned awndnd he smacked his head hard awndndsgainst the bar counter. "Fuck! I did forget about that!!!"
              "Well, that's pretty normal for you." Husk sighed. "You and Jenny didn't really interact much." The cat like demon sighed. "Giel went crazy from the little fuckers stalking and experiments that she killed herself..."
              "I will not let him push my angelcakes that far!" Angel snapped as he threw back the vodka with ease.  "I swear if he does anything to her I will-!"
              "How do you properly court someone?" A voice spoke out breaking the two from their conversation. They turned their heads to see none other than Baxter himself standing there.
                "Auh..... what?" Angel muttered a bit confused.
               "I asked how do you properly court aomeone, you moron." The angler snapped as he glared daggers at the spider. "Auhfter following the woman known as ((Y/N)) I found myself finding more than just interesting information." He muttered as he pulled himself up on the stool beside the spider. "The way she thinks, reacts, everything just... fuck if I know how to properly word it! She makes me feel weird!" He hissed. "I found myself contant wondering what she is doing, where she is at, what she likes and dislikes. I find myself even.... dreaming of her! After collecting all the data, I jave come th the conclusion that I have become somehow attracted to the strangely beauriful female. I thought about trying to court her like the old days, but she may be confused... plus she seems a bit tense lately. I'm afraid of giving off the wrong message and scaring her away."
              "Well, it's kind of late for that." Angel muttered quietly. "It seems that ((Y/N)) was killed by a stalker..."
              "Well fuck." Baxter muttered as he began to think. "There was to be a way to fix this..." he said quietly before she stood up and walked off.
              "Think the weirdo will be alright?" Husk asked looking at the spider curiously.
              "Fuck if I know" Angel sighed as he hit his head on the bar. "But if he hurts her, I'll rip his fucking fish dick off and shove it so far up his own ass-!"
              "Fuck, do not finish that sentance!" Husk snapped as he gagged at the mental image.
              Baxter walked doen the hallway muttering to himself to try and come up with something. He paused at a vase of flowers and raised an eyebrow. "Weman love flowers, right?" He asked himself quietly before he picked them out of the vase asked continued along the way.
              ((Y/N)) woke to the sound of knocking. Groaning from being woken up, the poor girl sat up, and lazily picked up her head in one arm, making her way To the door. When she opened the door he paused seeing a very uncomfortable fish demon before her. His arms were full of all kinds of things and she couldn't help but wonder how he was able to carry so much all once. Moving out of the way, she hesitantly motioned for the fish to come inside. Slowly he entered the room and walked over to the bed before laying everything down. Upon further inextion the ((H/C)) haired girl spotted flowers, bottles of soda, various sweets, a stuffed animal of a blob fish, and many other items. This made the girl look at the male in a bit uf confusion.
              "Why are you caring all this stuff around?" ((Y/N)) asked quietly a Bros she slowly sat down on the bed and patted for the scientist to sit beside her. He did so with slight hesitation as he kicked his fear nervously.
             "I ended up scaring you.... and I wasn't sure how to apologies..." he spoke as he glanced at the items on the bed. "I heard that the best way to say sorry wad to apologies with a gift.... but I couldn't think of what was best, so I got a bunch of things so my chances of having something you like would improve." He spike as he refused to look at the headless girl.
              ((Y/N)) blushed deeply as that as she looked back astt the stuff and carefully picked up the blob fish plush an add held it to her. "You didn't have to do all that, Baxter."
               "No. No, it did." He said quietly as he sighed. "I have a habit of following others that intrigue me and study them so I can get a better understanding of them. I didn't think about the chances of it harming anyone... I should have known better after the Jenny incident, but my excitement overrode my intelect, and it caused you much pain... to that i am sorry." He said as he took off hid hat and ran his gloved hand though his hair. "You're interesting, ((Y/N))." He muttered as he closed his eyes. "You don't attempt to cause harm to anyone, even when they run off with your head. You clean up everyone's messes without any complaint no matter how bad it is. You smile so bright that any flame could be jealous from how much you shine. It's obvious if you hadn't been cursed to this place by that moronic gypsy that you'd be walking amungst angels instead of devils. You're fragile and need delicate care, and I almost broke you from my idiotic studies. I wanted to say sorry for scaring you. That was not my intent." He muttered in defeat. "I will understand if you-" He froze mid sentance as he felt himself being pulled to the side. His eyes widened in utter shock as he found himself pulled into her chest. Heart pounding, face burning, he found himself listening to the soft thumping of her heart. Tears stung his eyes as he closed them and relaxed to the rythm of each beat. No words were needed between them. The two sat there in silence for awhile.
              Angel muttered to himself as he carried carried tray of food twords his friends door. Knocking, he was surprised to see ((Y/N)) at the door.
              "Thank you, Angel!" She said happily. "I was about to head go get something for him to eat! Won't you come in?"  As she walked off the stunned spider silently followed, barely able to remember to close the door behind him. Walking into the lab, he paused seeing Baxtor carefully mixing two dangerous looking chemicals together. He seemed a bit nervous but as ((Y/N)) gently placed her hand against his, he seemed to relax. A smile slipped on his face as the pair looked at one another and he went back to hits task. The concoction  bubbled and changed colors until it went clear. Carefully, Baxter pulled off one of his gloves and poured the thick gooey substance into his hand. An overly excited smile pulled onto his lips as he gently spread a bit on the ((H/C)) haired girl's neck stub and helped to place her head on her shoulders.
              "It won't work for long hours of time, but it will make working easier." The fish demon spoke with an overly proud grin. "This way those delinquents won't be able to run off with that pretty head of yours." He said before he smirked. "That and the specially made choker." He hummed in joy.
             "Thank you, love." ((Y/N)) muttered as she leaned down and kissed the others lips softly. "You're too kind to me, you know that?"
              "Anything for you, my heart." Baxter hummed back before kissing those sweet lips again.
              "When fucking hell did this happen?!" Angel spat put in utter shock and st the lovey dove couple before him.
              The angler fish looked over at the spider and gave gave a distasteful grunt as he took his girlfriends hand in his own. "Why are you here you pest?"
               "Angel was kind enough to bring you dinner." ((Y/N)) said sweetly.
              With a humm, he nodded. "Well, if you must know, I went to apologies for being insensitive we kind of bonded." Baxter said with a smile. "We talked things over and we ended up hitting it off quite wonderfully. So well, in fact, Miss
((L/N)) put in her two weeks notice! Afterwords she will be a my full time assistant here in my lab!"
                 "It's quite interesting watching Baxter work." ((Y/N)) said happily. "And I've been learning a lot too. Thank you Angel, for introducing us."
                  "Yes. As much as it pains me to say this... thank you Angel. You're not bad for as complete fuck up. Noe leave my lab, before you break anything! ((Y/N)) and I have a lot of work to do!" He snapped with a smirk as he pushed the taller spider out into the hallway and came the door shut, locking it.
                Angel stood there utterly stunned as his eyes seemed almost glued to the door. After several moments of utter silence the spider began to frying his arms every direction in utter frustration. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL JUST FUCKING HAPPENED?!?!?!" He screamed not noticing the few other occupants of the hotel hurrying away in horror of the spiders outburst.

((XD I was kind of iffy writing this but iffy loved the ending. Just seemed fitting to have a confused and frustrated Angel. XD Hope you enjoy! Ttyl!))

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