Not again....

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Ok! Guys do keep in mind that I'm still new at this so if I make any mistake do correct me.



Keith's POV:

My day started up with a bang.

"Keith! Get up! I need you to run to town!" my dear step brother shouted before going to the kitchen.

I groaned and took the covers away from my face, just to be meeted with the piercing rays of the sun in my eyes. I groan again.

Shiro comes back in my room and literally rips the covers from my body.

"Come on Keith!" he whines. "I need you to get me something." He says pounting his bottom lip.

"Why don't you get it yourself?" My raspy morning voice asks Shiro.

"'Cause you need exercise, your gaining fat old pig."

Hold up. That fucker.

"Shiro, you already know I have low self-esteem. Why are you trying to lower it more?"

"Keith. Please?" He uses puppy eyes.

'No!' I think. 'Must....... resist.......' I'm too weak.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee........." I groan out.

"YAY! Get ready, come for breakfast and then you can go. I ain't sending you on an empty stomach."

I sigh. "Fine, just make sure it's somthing small." I say while I get out of bed strolling to my drawer."

"Keith you should really eat more, I can see most of your ribs and back bones...." Shiro asks with concern lacing his voice.

You see, I haven't been eating as much as I used to because of my crush.......... Lance McClain. He is the most handsome boy in town, every girl that meets him literally swoons all over him and hope they get to be his next girlfriend and every boy questioning their sexuality because of him.

Sadly a few moths ago we were forced to pay tax from our leaders and as his family wasn't the richest Lance tried to put up a fight to protect his family, sadly his right leg got ripped off and was sent to the hospital. Fortunately I happen to be a good mechanic and built him a prosthetic leg out of gold and wire also a power source that was controled by his mind making it easier for Lance to move and walk.

Anyway I used to have more meat on my bones until I noticed that I was way fatter than whatever girl that went up to Lance, I desided I wasn't good enough for him at that moment..... maybe never will be.....

"Don't worry Shiro, at least I'm eating something....... Anyway what was it that you need me to get?" I ask obviously trying to avoid the topic.

Shiro hesitated before answering my question. "I need you to find this artifact called 'condenture' it is supposed to be one of the most useful things to fix.... machinery......."

My eyes go wide for a second. "You mean.......... it's been-" I get cut off by Shiro.

"Yeah, my arm is acting up again......" Hes says looking at his metialic arm.

Shiro lost his arm in battle back when he was kidnapped by the most terrifying and ruthless dictatorsof all times, the Galra. This prosthetic arm wasn't created by me, since Shiro was one of the best 'entertainment' The Galra had ever seen they gave it to him as a 'gift'. What has been scaring us is that sometimes he comes into my room with glowing yellow eyes, with a smirk on his face showing off his sharp canines and the prosthetic is glowing a lavender colour and radiating heat. The first time it happened I was too frightened to do anything and the evil side of Shiro said all my flaws the ones I knew and others that I wish I could forget...

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