Going for him...

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Hey! I'm not ok, but I hope you all are during the pandemic, I know it's really hard but we gotta stay positive... we can do this

Well hope you enjoy! Don't know why you do


Lance's POV:

Keith fell asleep on my chest, and honestly he looked so cute like a little kitty cat.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Why is the handsome and powerful Lance Charles McClain helping Keith -what ever his middle name is- Kogane? Well let me confess you a little secret, I am completely head over heels for this boy.

'WHAT?! But I thought you were straight!' If by that you just mean straight to the point then yeah. But in sexuality I'm bi, or bisexual so it's no wonder I love this boy.

I've never been this close to Keith before, but now I can see the little freckles on his face, he's chiseled cheekbones, sharp jaw and pump pink lips. Which all looks so damn kissable..... but that's to be expected from Keith -something- Kogane.

Suddenly Pidge walked into my room. "Lance! Did Keith wake- Oh! oh oh hohoho!!! What's going on here~?" Her concerned face quickly was taken for a cocky smirk I hated all too well.

"Shut it! He's trying to sleep" I hissed at her holding the beauty besides me tighter to my chest.

"DAW! You guys are so cute!!!"








"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Keith yelled before snuggling even further into my chest.

Now, both me and Pidge are just staring at Keith, I would've thought that Keith was going to wake up with a cute lil cat yawn, rub his beautiful violet eyes and look up at me with his still drowsy eyes... then jump out and freak out about us both laying in the same bed, and how he was just on my chest while Pidge is taking pictures of us and I'd be cussing at Pidge to leave us alone so I could explain the situation.

So uh yeah it did not go like that, for starters Keith is basically trying to disappear from the world and go into another universe by snuggling into me, which I will admit it's cute as hell. However, we needed to address the serious issue we had on our hands, Shiro's disappearance.

Shiro is a greatly known mechanic, or well he was before he was taken by our so called "leaders", he was the best one in town, creating all sorts of cool gadgets like a special kind of jetpack for the diabled, allowing them to fly using their prosthetics or a wheelchair, which admittedly has changed quite a bit in the last century, allowing mobility more than in the last thousands of years.

Most people called his modern engineering innovative and somehow even more futuristic than anything created before him, many had gone to him for help with inventions some have even tried stealing from him, but proved to be overpowered by this powerful and sexy man.

Shiro had shared his secrets with very little people, but one who truly used it out of the fondness of their heart instead of money was Keith. It comes to no surprise that Keith looks up to Shiro, following in his footsteps and improving his ability even when Shiro is gone.

In that miserable year Shiro had been taken and Keith had fallen deep into depression, we as friends of both Shiro and Keith stayed with him and comforted him through his struggles. However, then that day came...

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