I have to be strong...

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Okay! First really important thing. Our author NIGHTWINGS_ASS will be leaving wattpad, so show her some love before she does.

Alright, chapter!


- Panic attack

- Swearing


Keith's POV:

I have been laying in this cold ground for over two hours, thinking on how my brother, my family, was ripped away from me. Shiro was the only thing I had left. Now I have nothing...

'Maybe if you were actually better you could've prevented all of this...' a chilling voice wispered, its voice husky and cold making shivers run down my spine.

'Maybe if you stronger you could actually do somthing useful...' the voice wispered harshly making me flinch a little at the insult as I gripped my thick dark curls.

'But you aren't....' The voice appeared to get more powerful. ' .... your nothing, you can't even protect you brother, because you are selfish, weak, ugly and worst of all....... you are worthless....' The voice got stronger as it spat insults at me, things that I wish where just a dream.

'You think that Lance would ever fall in love with someone like you?' The voice mocked and laughed at my pain. 'Lance McClain would never love you! He's straight. He's hansome and deserves someone as beautiful as him! Not a stupid, low life faggot like you!-'

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at the air tightening the grip on my long hair as the voice laughed at my misery. My lungs hurt from my hyperventilating. My knuckles turned white from my grip on my hair. I could hear my heart drumming in my chest. My vision blurry from all the tears that had gathered up in my eyes and the ones that were constantly running down my pale cheeks.

I heared a distant knock at the door, but the ringing in my ears made it hard for me to consentrate.

"-eith? Keith?!" Someone shouted and I heared footsteps coming towards me. Three figures were looming around me, shouting things at each other and moving their arms hysterically at the air. My blurry sight had taken over my eyes, my head swinging from one way to the other. Black spots filled my vision and unconsciousness took over my body.

~~~T I M E S K I P~~~~

As I woke up again there was a faint ringing in my ears, my eyelids felt so heavy it almost seemed a miracle if they ever opened again.

"Keith? Keith, can you hear me?" A soft voice pulled me away from my thoughts. I tried to open my eyes once again, but they kept closed.

There was a heavy sigh. "If you can. Know that we are here to help you...."

'We are here to help you....'

'......here to help you.....'

'.....help you.....'


My eyes snapped open as I took a deep breath. I looked around a blue covered room, literally everything was blue.

"Keith! Thank God!" An enthusiastic voice said. I recognised that voice.

I looked at the boy besides me. Lance. Fuck he's so hot.

"L-lance!" I, manly, squeaked. "H-how did I get here?"I started to panic my hands balling fists into the bed covers.

'Wait what-' I realised I'm in Lance's bed, with him next to me, my back to him. And him. Spooning me. 'HOLY FUCK-' I'm so dead yet blessed.

"We found you at your house having a panic attack, we wanted to ask you why when you woke up, but then we saw the Galra Empire sign. I'm sorry for what happened to Shiro...." He finished with a sad tingle in his eye, it looked so wrong to have it in a face like his.

The air got caught in my throat and tears stung in the corners of my eyes, tears slowly went down my cheeks, I tried to stop them and wipe them away but they just kept coming.

"Keith!" Lance whisper shouted and hugged me tightly by my waist and burried his face on the back of my neck. He started hushing in my ear as I brought my hand to my mouth muffling my sobs from being heard. "Hey your are going to be ok...." He traced shapes along my waist making me blush, which came unnoticed because of my hand covering my mouth. "You just got to be strong... and keep going..."

"I have to be strong....." Those were the last words I whispered before falling into unconsciousness against the most handsome boy in town.


I know it's kind of short, but as I just started summer vacations I think it'll be easier to update. Thank you guys for putting up with me and my horrible writting!

Bye bye my Little Firefighters~

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