Part One

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I walked down the alley, boots crunching on the packed snow. My breath steamed in the air. Everything was white, as if someone had poured white paint over the world. I winced as I lifted the grocery bags a little higher- they were gradually losing purchase on my shoulder. It was only another ten minute walk from where I was back to my house, I estimated, but with the snowfall and my heavy boots it would probably take me at least fifteen. A small sigh escaped my lips and I continued forward.

A few moments before I rounded the corner of the alleyway, a scream pierced the silent atmosphere. I froze, nearly dropping my groceries. I backed up, seeking the comfort of the brick wall at my back. Another scream, accompanied by hopeless wails. I gulped, my heart thudding eratically in my chest.

"Just keep walking Y/N. Keep walking, and call the police when you get inside. Keep walking." I said to myself. 

I took a deep breath, wincing at the ear shattering sobs and shrieks that echoed around me. Silently, I berated myself. Why did I decide to take a shortcut? I groaned inwardly. Stupid stupid stupid. And now I had to walk towards those screams, which seemed to be coming from the same neighborhood as my house. As my house came into view, the screams got louder. I rummaged around for my phone. Even through my thick gloves, I could tell that my hands were shaking. I slid the gloves off with my teeth and dropped them in the bag with the groceries. I hadn't realized I was still walking as I managed to get my phone out of my pocket, until I saw little red droplets in the snow. My phone was finally open, but I saw two words in the upper left corner: NO SERVICE. Praying to all the gods, I released my gaze from my phone and looked up to scan my surroundings. Seven pairs of black boots, a bloody knife, a gun.

                                                             I wasn't alone.

Too Much for Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now