Part Seven

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"Y/N, are you absolutely insane?!!"

I stared Junmyeon down, unwavering. "No." I said calmly. "There's nothing insane about it. It's either my life or my friends'. Four lives, Myeon, or one. It's logic. If you think for even one second that you're going to risk their lives for mine, then you are very much the insane one. There's no way in hell that I'm leaving Baek, Yixing, Dae, or Minseok."

"Look," Chanyeol cut in, "we can find some way to make this work." He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "None of us are saying we're going to abandon them, or give up you. Neither of those are an option. We'll find some other way."

Sehun stood. "Hyungs, look. We all know that. But it's easier said than done. We only really have one day to figure something out, because we have to have time to actually implement our plan if we make one. So first of all, we don't have time. And let's face it, we don't know what else we can do. We don't even know whether we need to do something or not."

Jongin looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"He means that we don't even know if the others are actually alive." I said quietly.


"So," Kyungsoo broke the silence tentatively, "what do you want to do?" Everyone looked to Junmyeon. The leader of EXO looked around the table at each of us.

Finally he leaned back into his chair and let out a sigh. "I don't know. We've spent long enough debating this here, that it's obvious that there really isn't anything we can do." As Sehun's head snapped up angrily, Junmyeon put up a hand to stop the protest that was sure to come from the maknae. "However," he stressed, "if we can somehow figure out who BTS really has, then maybe we can find the missing two. We can at least have a chance of beating BTS if we have at least two more people. Besides, we're more experienced, more powerful. We have connections with GOT7 and Monsta X, and I think I can even pull some strings to ask a favor of Seungcheol."

"Seungcheol?" Kyungsoo asked incredulously. "As in Seventeen's Seungcheol?"

Junmyeon gave a nod of confirmation. "That's the one."

My jaw dropped. Seventeen? That group of boys was more unpredictable than us! And that was saying something! Plus, Seungcheol was practically known for being stubborn and power hungry. For him owe us a favor, or for us to even be on high enough ground to ask him for one...

"How?" I asked. "How are you going to get him to agree, get him on our side?"

Junmyeon turned to me. "There were a lot of things you missed while you were gone, Y/N. Seungcheol being one of those things. We don't have the time to explain everything, so just know that we have a way to get Seventeen on our side. We need to get moving. We're running out of time." He turned to face us all straight on, placing his clasped hands on the table. His silver EXO ring shone in the rays of sunlight streaming through the window. The leader spoke to everyone. "Jongin and Soo. You guys see if you can find any news as to the whereabouts of whoever we're missing. Sehun and I will go speak with whatever groups we can, see if we can find any help. Chanyeol, Y/N." A expectant silence fell over the table. Junmyeon studied me for a moment, then shook his head slightly. "Never mind. I don't want you to do anything." My eyes widened with shock. "Chanyeol, watch over Y/N. We really don't have anyone to spare, but we can't risk losing Y/N. Got that, Yeol?" Junmyeon said pointedly.

"Clear." Chanyeol replied without hesitation.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "What about me? You can't possibly expect me to-"

"Yes, yes I can." Myeon cut me off. "And I do. Y/N, you once told Minseok and I that you never want us to hold anything back from you, because you only want to help, not hold us back. So I'll tell you now. You're a hindrance. The main reason we have to go through all this is because we can't just hand you over. If all of this goes to waste, and we lost you somehow, then we may never get a chance to rescue the others. Got it? I'm not blaming you. I'm telling you the facts. And the fact right now is that we need you to stay safely out of the way." No one spoke.

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