Part 9

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"Hi Y/N." Taehyung said. My lips parted slightly in shock. I felt my body go stiff in Taehyung's hold. My eyes widened and a sudden rush of adrenaline filled me. I put my palms flat against Taehyung's chest and pushed him back. I stumbled backward lightly, my breathing heavy. Sehun stepped up to my side, putting a hand on my shoulder and protectively moving in front of me. Taehyung stepped forward.

"Don't." I warned him.

"Please Y/N." He said. I shook my head.

"If you want my friendship back, you're going to have to earn it. Maybe Chanyeol forgave you for leading us on, for putting your best friends after your mafia, but I haven't. You'll be lucky if I ever do. You left us in the dark, Jinwoo."

"First of all, Ms. Y/L/N, you should know he's not your Kim Jinwoo. He's Bangtan Boys' Kim Taehyung." A smooth voice spoke from behind Taehyung.

Taehyung said nothing to the scathing comments coming from the figure beside him.

A small chuckle spilled from the shorter man's lips. "It's your fault that we had to take them in anyway, hyung." The man's piercing gaze alighted on me. "We have two of EXO's members in our custody. They won't talk, either of them. However, you," he jabbed an index finger in my direction, "you are going to get them to talk, now that you're here. And if you refuse, I will happily kill off that friend of yours, Chanyeol. We don't need you here. You should be thankful that Joon hyung even allowed emotions into this. Because thanks to him, you aren't being tortured by EXO right now. If I were you, I would be sure to do everything we ask while you're here." He was fuming. I could practically be waves of annoyance flowing off him.

"Enough, Jungkook." Namjoon told the younger man. All eyes turned to the leader of Bangtan, standing in his white dress shirt and black pants on the stairs. A chill crept down my spine as the man called Jungkook went rigid, instantly quiet. I felt Sehun's hand on my shoulder tighten. This time, he made an obvious effort to put me behind him. A smile pressed at my lips, despite the situation, and I obliged his paranoia, stepping behind his taller figure.

Namjoon had one hand lightly splayed across the wooden railing. A lazy, dangerous air of confidence surrounded him like a shield. His dirty blonde hair was parted to the side, gelled into position. The muscle shifted under his shirt as he slowly walked down the stairs. The mafia leader's eyes glinted dangerously in the light of the chandelier above him as he stopped in front of Jungkook. I watched with my eyes wide. Namjoon's stare bored into the black haired boy. "Go. Jin needs assistance with their friend." Jungkook stubbornly shook his head. Namjoon's lips twitched in a smile. "Kook, you have thirty seconds to go find something else useful to do, before I decide to stop being your sparring partner for a two weeks."

Jungkook crossed his arms. "Fine then. I'll just ask Hoseok hyung to spar with me. But I'm not leaving."

Namjoon was obviously struggling not to grin at the maknae's behavior. He reached a hand out and ruffled the younger man's hair lightly. "All right, Kookie. Do some maknae bonding with Sehun over there, and I promise to spar with you every day for a week."

Jungkook seemed to consider for a moment. He put his hands on his hips. "Starting tomorrow morning?"

The smile finally broke through the leader's lips, his dimples showing on his cheeks. "Yes, Kook. Starting tomorrow morning."

"Fine." Jungkook grumbled. "I'll do it. But don't ever ruffle my hair again." He turned away from Namjoon and walked up the stairs. Sehun looked to me, an obvious question written across his features. I nodded.

"Go." I told him. "I'll be fine." He hesitated for a moment, then hurried after Jungkook and disappeared up the stairs.

I turned to Namjoon and Taehyung, expecting his business air to suffocate me, but was shocked to see Taehyung running a hand through his hair, a grin gracing his handsome face, and dimples still making their appearance on Namjoon's cheeks. Suddenly the heavy air of anticipation was gone as I watched the mafia leader burst into laughter. I was dumbfounded as Taehyung's fell into the wall, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably as he held his face in his hands and laughed.

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