Part Two

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Seven men stared at me. All of them were wearing black overcoats to protect against the cold, black boots, black gloves, and black baggy sweatpants. Black everything, basically. Even their masks, strips of cloth which covered their mouths and noses, were black. I didn't dare look at the ground. In my peripheral vision, I could make out the mangled shape of a body, deep red blood staining the snow around my feet. Four out of the seven men before me had blood stains on their jackets, one held a knife and the other a heavy looking gun.

The tallest man took a step towards me. I took a step back.

"You saw us." It wasn't a question. I shook my head vigorously.

"I didn't see anything, I swear." I tried. The guy behind the one who was speaking to me laughed.

"Joon," The shortest said, "She obviously saw us. You aren't seriously going to let her go are you?" He was holding the gun.

"I won't tell anyone, I swear!" I pleaded. "I mean it. I don't even know what I saw! I- I didn't even really see anything."

The one called 'Joon' stepped forward again. I quickly realized that I had nowhere to run. We were standing ten feet from my front door. Even if I made it in... "Well we obviously can't let her get away after what she witnessed."

"But I didn't-"

Joon cut me off. "However," I bit my lip, hoping. "we could come to some alternative to killing her." I gulped.

"Why don't we just take her with us and figure this out later?" A young voice suggested. An ally, perhaps?

"Kookie, you know we don't just take people along with us like that." Another voice reminded him. "We kill them or..."

"Or...?" I prompted.

"Or nothing." A deeper voice said. I turned to him. "We kill them or we don't. Make a decision Joon, we don't have all day." I shrank back from his piercing gaze. The knife in his hands dripped blood. This one was dangerous.

Joon shifted. "Taehyung," he growled. "Do not pass judgment hastily. This is a rather delicate situation."

Taehyung laughed, and all eyes turned to him. "There's nothing delicate about it. Either you kill her, or I'll do it myself."

"Will you all just quit making this such a big deal?" An authoritative voice cut through their banter. "Just listen to Kookie for once. He's actually right, you know. Taehyung! This is not a warfield where you kill everything in sight." The man said accusingly. Taehyung shifted uncomfortably.

"Sorry, hyung." He muttered.

Interesting. They didn't seem to use honorifics, except for this man. The leader? No. He didn't say anything against the man called Joon. It didn't matter anyways. I needed to get out of here.

I smiled lightly. "Thanks for your consideration, I guess." I said. Instantly all their attention was on me. Taking a deep breath, I hefted my grocery bags and said, "I'll be leaving now." I swung the bags at them, not daring to wait and see if my ploy had worked. As soon as the bags left my arms, I sprinted to the left and hurtled towards the gate in front of my house. I heard footsteps behind me and yelling as I jumped the fence and stumbled up the stairs to my house.

"Come on come on come on." I mumbled, fumbling with the keys around the lanyard on my neck. "Yes!" I let out a cry of relief as I heard the door unlock. My eyes widened as I heard them running up the stairs, just a few feet behind me. I opened the door and threw myself in. Struggling to hold the door shut as the seven criminals tried to break in, I shoved the key in the lock and turned it. Click. I exhaled, looking around wildly for anything I could put against the door to hold it in place. My eyes alighted on the two piece couch. I ran to it and began pushing one half towards the door. Next, I saw the dinner table. It wasn't that heavy, and there was nothing on it. I dragged it by one of its legs and heaved it against the door. Stepping back, i examined my handiwork and grabbed my phone, just as I heard the sounds of glass breaking.

My eyes widened in horror. Oh gods. I'd totally forgotten about the windows.

A/N Okay so I just randomly decided to start a new story and this is what happens. Lmao. I figured I'd just double update this today since the first part was so freakin short :) Hope you enjoyed this so far

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