Chapter 4

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Donna couldn't stop thinking about Sam or how happy she was. She also couldn't stop thinking about what he was up to, she knew it was something. The knock at the door brought her back to the present. She was reluctant to answer, since she was only in her robe, she was hoping it was just the girls coming to help her get into the spandex. She opened the door, and it was the girls, but they weren't in their spandex.

"What's going on? Why aren't you in your spandex?" Donna asked.

"Well, this is a special night. We wanted to dedicate tonight's show to you and Sam, kind of like a post-wedding celebration, so we thought we would wear normal clothes. Sam knew we were going to have a show and he bought you this white sundress for you to wear."

It was a beautiful, strapless, white eyelet sundress.

"So, that is what he was up to." Donna said.

The girls helped Donna get ready. They pulled half of her hair back and put flowers in it, the other half was hanging down in loose ringlets.

"Wow, you look beautiful!" Both Rosie and Tanya said.

"I can't believe we are going to all this trouble for a Dynamos performance." Donna was starting to get suspicious.

"It isn't just a Dynamo's performance; it is a celebration of your new life." Rosie said.

"Well, then let's get this party started, so I can come back here and celebrate with MY HUSBAND!" Donna said.

They walked out onto the Taverna but no one was there.

"Where is everyone?" Donna asked.

"I'm not sure, but it looks like there is something going on down on the beach, let's go see if that's where everyone is." Tanya replied.

So, the three of them walked down on the beach. When Donna reached the beach she stopped dead in her tracks. There were Tiki torches everywhere, as well as a table set for two. Right by the table stood Sam in a linen suit. Donna's jaw dropped, as Rosie whispered in her ear, "Have fun, we will see you in the morning before we leave."

Sam extended his and to her. She took of her sandals as they went to the edge of the water.

"WOW! You are absolutely breathtaking." Sam said.

"My, my, Mr. Carmichael you have certainly been busy today." Donna said smiling.

"I have a very important question to ask you." Sam said.

"Anything." Donna said as she brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

"Will you marry me?" Sam said as he got down on one knee, still holding onto Donna's left hand.

"Sweetie, I know these last 24 hours have been a whirlwind, but we are already married."

"Yes, we were married in front of our daughter and your friends, and by a priest. I want this to be a private ceremony, just you and me, and we can tell each other what we truly mean to one another. Besides, you never did get a ring." Sam said pulling out a velvet box from his pocket.

(A/N: Sam never gave Donna a band like he did in the movie).

Sam presented Donna with a silver band with diamonds in it. Donna immediately started to cry and brought a hand to her mouth.

"YES!" She screamed as she pulled him up and jumped into his arms.

"Well, I'm glad you still want to get married after only 24 hours of marriage." Sam said with a slight chuckle.

He put the band on Donna's left ring finger and kissed it.

"Sam, it is so beautiful!"

"There are twenty-one diamonds in there; one for every year I have loved you, even though we were apart." Sam said as he pulled her into a soft, sweet kiss-more of a promise of things to come.

With tears rolling softly down her cheeks Donna said, "I will never take it off, but I haven't had a chance to buy you a ring."

"Not to worry, I told the Dynamos about my plan and they already gave me one, I want everyone to know I belong to you!"

"You are mine and don't you ever forget it!" Donna said with a smile of pride on her face.

"Well, then, what do you say Mrs. Carmichael? You want to get married again, just you and I with God as our witness?" Sam asked?

"I would marry you anytime, anywhere." Donna said.

Sam took Donna's hand and led her a little further into the water.

Sam was the first one to speak.

"Donna Sheridan Carmichael you cast a spell on me from the very moment I met you, you completely stole my heart and you are the ONLY WOMAN who I have ever truly loved. I made some mistakes, but I promise you from this moment on I will never let you go. You are the center of my world. This is my dream, to live with you on the island and to run the hotel together. Yesterday, before "our" wedding you asked me if anyone makes me feel like you do. I never got to answer, NO! You are the only woman who makes me feel so alive. Whenever I see you my heart pounds faster and I want to spend every minute of the rest of my life with you. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I do know I will always be by your side loving you with every breath I have until I take my last."

Donna kissed Sam on the check and began her vows.

"Sam Carmichael, you are one amazing man. I told you yesterday how great my life was without a man, that was a lie. You are the only man who makes my life worth living. I have spent the alst 21 years missing you terribly and can't believe you are standing beside me vowing to spend the rest of your life with me. You are the only man I have ever loved, the only man who has ever had my heart. I promise you to love you, to make you happy, and spend the rest of my life cherishing every moment we have together. I love you with my heart, my soul, and my entire body." As Donna finished she pulled him into a deep kiss.

When they finally broke apart Sam said, "I now pronounce us Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael AGAIN and FOREVER. Can I kiss my beautiful br-."

Before he could finish Donna had jumped into his arms and kissed him with everything she had.

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