Chapter 6

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Donna and Sam quickly settled in a comfortable routine as husband and wife. They would wake up in each other's arms every morning, drink coffee and read the paper together in bed, work on things around the hotel, have a nice dinner every night on the Taverna, and make love every night. Some days they would make love many times throughout the day, ok almost every day. Lately, though, Donna hasn't been feeling well and has been too tired to make love.

Sam woke up to the sound of his wife getting sick in the bathroom; this was the third morning in a row. He hated seeing his wife like this.

Sam knocked on the door, "Baby, are you okay? Can I come in?"

The door opened and he didn't like what he saw. His very strong wife, leaning against the toilet, looking very pale and weak.

"Hi there." She said weakly.

Sam quickly wet a wash cloth and wiped her face.

"Sam, I am not an invalid, I can wipe my own damn face!"

This outburst didn't surprise Sam, as they have been happening in the past week-his wife just hadn't been herself.

"Sorry, I am just trying to help, I will leave you alone." Sam said sheepishly as he turned to leave.

Donna reached for his arm with tears in her eyes and said, "NO, don't leave! I am sorry I didn't mean that, I don't know what is wrong with me. I have waited for 21 years to be with you, you are so amazing and loving, and here I am snapping at you, I don't deserve you."

"Donna, don't ever say that. I am the one who doesn't deserve you. But, something is going on with you. You haven't been yourself for over a week, throwing up for the past 3 days. I want to take you to the doctor. Actually, you don't have a choice in this; I am taking you to the mainland today to the doctor."

Donna looked up at Sam and saw he was scared.

"Honey, I am sure it is just the flu or 15 years of running this hotel by myself catching up with me."

"It could be, but I am not going to take any chances. I am going to go get you some toast and tea. You think you can get dressed by yourself?"

"Sam Carmichael are you coming onto me when I am sick?" Donna asked with a slight smile on her face.

It made Sam feel good to see her smile.

"If I thought it would work, it's been awhile."

Sam regretted those words as soon as he said them; he knelt down beside her and saw tears in her eyes.

"Donna, I am sorry I didn't mean it as criticism, I just miss you."

"I know honey, I miss you too. I'm sorry I haven't been myself."

Sam pulled her to his chest, "I don't care if we never made love again as long as I get to hold you and have you happy, healthy, and safe."

Donna pulled his face down, gave him a sweet kiss, and said "I love you, but let's not get crazy! I will get dressed while you get the toast and tea and we will see what is going on."

Sam left to get breakfast but dropped the tray as soon as he entered the bedroom he and Donna called home, he saw his wife half dressed laying on the floor unconscious. Sam ran towards her and swept her up in his arms.

"Donna, baby, wake up, please wake up."

Sam gave her a kiss on her lips and she began to stir. He pulled her closer to him.

"Oh, thank God. Donna, honey, you okay?"

"Huh? What happened?" Donna asked somewhat disoriented when she realized she was half-dressed.

"I don't know, I went to make you breakfast, came in and dropped the tray when I saw you half-dressed lying on the floor unconscious."

"I must have blacked out." Donna told him rubbing his hand trying to soothe his fears.

Sam just kept holding onto her tighter almost afraid to let her go.

"That's it, I am calling the doctor and have him come here, and you are not going anywhere." Sam picked her up, carried her to the bed, and put a gown on her.

"Thank you for being so sweet and loving." Donna said as she kissed his cheek.

Sam smiled and said, "Stay here while I call the doctor and then I will get you some breakfast, and not drop it this time." He kissed her on the forehead and went to take care of things.

The doctor arrived about an hour later, did a full examination, and blood test. He said he would call later that day with the results.

Sam and Donna spent the rest of the day in bed watching TV, reading, and cuddling.

"Honey, shouldn't you check on things around the hotel since you won't let me out of this bed?" Donna asked rubbing his chest while her head was lying on his shoulder.

Sam held her tighter, "No, I don't want to leave you, Eddie and Pepper are taking care of things."

Donna looked up in his eyes, "Sweetie, I know what happened this morning really scared you, but I'm fine now. If the doctor calls I will ring down there and tell you what he said."

Luckily, Sam didn't have to reply, because she wouldn't like what he had to say, due to the ringing of the phone. Sam helped her sit up and handed her the phone.

"Hello, yes, this is Mrs. Carmichael, yeah I'll hold." Donna said while sitting up against the headboard holding tightly to Sam's hand.

"Donna, is Sam there with you?" The doctor asked when he got on the phone.

"Yes, he is." This made Donna nervous, it made her think that it was bad news. She held his hand tighter.

"Good, give him my congratulations."

"Excuse me?" Donna asked.

"Congratulations Donna, you are pregnant! According to my calculations you conceived the night after you got married. Drink plenty of fluids, get rest, and come see me at the beginning of next week and we can start pre-natal care."

Donna was in shock, "Yes, we'll do that, thank you."

Donna just stared at Sam as he took the receiver from her and hung it up.

"Donna, honey, whatever it is we'll get through it together. Donna please say something!" Sam said.

Donna just started crying.

"WE'RE PREGNANT!" She screamed.

"What? Pregnant? Baby?" Sam couldn't speak.

"Yeah, a month, the doc said it probably happened the night after our wedding. Well, the night we got married on the beach." Donna looked at Sam who was just staring back at her.

"Sam, are you okay with this? I know it wasn't planned." Donna said apprehensively.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?! I am ecstatic; we are going to have the family we have always wanted: you, me, Sophie, the boys, and this baby. We created something out of the amazing love we have for one another, and you are giving it life. I love you so much!" Sam pulled her into an amazing kiss.

"Wow, you had me worried there for a second." Donna laughed.

"Don't you ever doubt my commitment to you, this marriage, or our family." Sam pulled her into his chest and they relaxed down in the bed cuddling one another.

"I am a little worried about your age though, is it safe?" Sam asked apprehensively.

Donna kissed his fingers and said, "It is a little more dangerous, but it is becoming more common for women to have babies in their forties."

"I am never going to leave your side; I will be with you every moment, tending to your every need." Sam said.

"That is going to get annoying." Donna said as she and Sam both laughed.

They spent the rest of the day in bed making plans for their family. The best was most definitely yet to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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