Chapter 5

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Donna and Sam were swaying to the music in their hearts to the rhythm of the ocean waves. Donna's arms were around Sam's neck, while his arms were around her waist, and her head was lying against his chest.

"So, were you surprised?" Sam asked into her ear.

"Are you kidding? I have never been surprised in my life; nor have I ever felt more alive or loved." She said once she lifted her head from his chest and was gazing into his eyes.

"That was kind of the point." Sam said with a wink and kiss to her nose.

Donna let out a sigh of contentment and laid her head back on his chest as they continued to sway to the sound of the Mediterranean Sea.

"You hungry?" Sam asked.

"Ummmhmmm." Donna answered looking up at Sam with passion in her eyes.

Sam threw his head back and laughed, "I meant for food."

"Oh, well, I guess we should probably eat in order to have energy for the events I have planned for us tonight." Donna said as she looked up at Sam through her eyelashes while unbuttoning the first couple buttons on his shirt and drawing imaginary circles on his chest.

Sam shifted uncomfortably as he cleared his throat, "Maybe we should go over here and eat before we get ahead of ourselves, because I think I am almost there."

He grabbed Donna's hand and led her over to the candle lit table set for two. He removed the lids to the platters where there laid two lobster tails and steamed veggie underneath. He pulled out her chair for her.

Once they were seated he poured them both a glass of champagne.

"To the love of my life, now and forever." Sam said toasting Donna.

During the course of their meal they started feeding one another pieces of lobster. Donna couldn't think of anything else but making love to her beautiful and sexy husband. She thought she needed to speed this up a bit. She tossed the fork to the side and began feeding Sam pieces of lobster dipped in butter with her fingers. Once she had fed him a piece she removed her fingers from his mouth and licked each finger followed by her lips. Sam didn't know how much longer he could control himself. They both continued to feed each other with their fingers, never taking their eyes off one another. Sam was at his breaking point; he swallowed the last bit of champagne and stood up, taking her with him, and pulling her tightly against him.

He pulled her face roughly against his and kissed her with every ounce of energy he had.

"I can't take it anymore, I NEED you NOW!" Sam said in between kisses.

"Thank God, I never thought you would give in." Donna said with a sly look on her face as she took his face in her hands and began kissing him with such intensity and need that neither one of them had ever felt before.

Sam was running his fingers through her hair as their kisses deepened. Donna quickly discarded Sam of his linen jacket as he continued to explore her neck and chest with his mouth.

Sam pushed Donna back, "Wait!"

Donna looked at him with wide eyes breathing heavily, "What? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you do EVERYTHING perfectly. But shouldn't we continue this upstairs?" He said while kissing her bare shoulders.

Donna shook her head no and pulled him behind a cliff to a secluded part of the beach. "Our first time was right here, I want you HERE and NOW!"

That's all Sam needed to hear. He gently laid her down; neither of them paid attention to the sand. Donna ripped Sam's shirt off so hard and fast that buttons flew everywhere. She rolled him over so she was straddling him. She kissed her way down his chest to his waist and undid his belt while kissing his waist line. Sam couldn't take it anymore, once Donna had discarded him of his linen pants, he flipped her over. He reached behind her and unzipped her dress so it effortlessly left her body. He cleared her hair from her face and gazed intently at her face.

"You are so absolutely gorgeous, I love you so much!"

"I want you so much I can hardly breathe, make love to me."

Donna pulled Sam's mouth down to hers as their two bodies' melted into one person, just as their hearts had 21 years before. Neither one knew exactly what gift their passion on the beach would give them in the future.

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