Chapter 7

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3rd POV
A few hours after Lucy and Happy returned to the Fairy Tail Guild with Natsu, Natsu started to stir. The guild was ready in the main guild hall to surprise him with a party, hoping to help him change back to his normal self. Happy had already changed his guild mark back and was flirting with Carla, attempting to give her fish but her turning it down every time.

Natsu slowly woke up in the Infirmary bed, groaning as he opened his eyes. He immediately shot up from his bed, looking around. His breathing quickened when he realised where he was and remembered what had happened back in his room in the Tartaros Guild.

Natsu sighed and relaxed back into the bed, his anger towards Happy growing a little. He could never hate the exceed but he did feel betrayed. That also goes for Lucy. He could never hate her, but he felt betrayed and hurt.

He thought about what to do for a few minutes and decided to just roll with whatever the Fairy Tail guild was planning. After all, his back up plan would soon set in motion anyway, might as well have some fun before that.

He slowly got up out of the bed, stretching his arms out as he did. He stood up, looking around to see if anyone came in, and to his relief, no one did.

He slowly crept towards the exit and reached for the door handle, relaxing his posture so he looked like he was his old self. He turned it and walked in the main guild hall, where the lights were out and no one could be seen. But Natsu knew better, he could smell everyone hiding.

"Everyone? Where are you?" He asked, trying to be as innocent as he could. The guild members who were hiding smiled with mischief. They all suddenly jumped out of hiding and screamed "SURPRISE!!"

At this Natsu pretended to be surprised and jumped back, falling to the floor. "Woah! What's going on?" Natsu shouted to the guild, acting confused.

The guild members all grinned at the pink haired dragon slayer. "We decides to throw a party for your safe return Natsu-san!" Wendy said with a smile.

Gray was stood at the back of the crowd with Lucy and Happy, all 3 of them nervous on what Natsu would do if he saw them since they betrayed his trust.

Erza smiled at Natsu and pat his back happily. "I'm glad you're okay Natsu!" Natsu yelped at the sudden hard pat on his back but smiled warmly back st her. But of course, the smile was fake, it was all an act.

Romeo ran up from the crowd straight to Natsu and hugged him, smiling. "I'm so glad you're safe Natsu-nii!"
"Of course I'm safe Romeo! I'm strong!" Natsu grinned at the younger fire user. Romeo happily let go of natsu and went back to Wendy, both smiling and laughing.

Ezra walked to Gray, Lucy and Happy, grabbing them and dragging them to the front of the crowd. "Someone owes you an apology Natsu!" Erza said as she glanced at Gray, not knowing that Natsu felt betrayed by Lucy and Happy.

Erza pushed Gray in front of Natsu, Gray awkwardly smiling. "H-hey Natsu.." Gray avoided eye contact with him, worried of what Natsu's reaction would be.

Natsu froze for a second before completely losing his cool, his breathing growing more rapid and his eyes becoming blood red. Demonic aura emanated off of Natsu at a high speed, his eyes glued to Gray's terrified face. Gray had never seen Natsu this angry at anyone, let alone his eyes going red.

Everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing and stopped talking to stare at the scene, the room now completely silent, watching the ice and fire wizards. Erza was horrified, then snapped back to reality to grab Natsu's shoulder. "...N-Natsu..? You alright?" Her reply was laughter. Not a friendly laughter, but it was ominous and cruel.

"Am I alright..?" Natsu began, "Do I look ok to you?" He slowly turned around to face Erza, the Etherious markings now covering his body and sides of his face, his eyes a dark red and his smile, replaced with an evil smirk. Erza gulped, sweating and trying to keep her posture. The rest of the guild was either too shocked to respond or slowly readying their magic to restrain him.

"...R-RESTRAIN HIM!" Makarov shouted to the guild. Natsu lunged himself at Gray, trying to attack him, but Erza, Makarov and many others in the guild stopped him, Erza chopping the back of his neck to knock him out.

Erza managed to drag him down into the dungeon and chain him up in a cell. She had a sad look on her face the whole time she was putting Natsu in a cell. "This isn't right Master.." Erza murmured.
"I know..I feel the same, but this is the only thing we can do.." Makarov answered. Erza nodded in response sadly, sighing.

Happy and Lucy ran down the stairs to the dungeon, Lucy gasping when she saw Natsu chained up against the wall. Happy just immediately fly up to the cell, putting his paws on the bars, looking in sadly. "Natsu..." he silently sobbed. Lucy ran up behind him and picked up the exceed, hugging him.

"Couldn't we do anything other than this master?" Lucy asked, tears brimming in her eyes.
"I'm sorry my child..but if we let him free then he would just go rampant and may even hurt a guild member.." Makarov answered sadly. Lucy nodded sadly, looking at Natsu's unconscious body again.

Erza and Makarov slowly walked out of the dungeon, Lucy looking one last time at Natsu while still hugging Happy. She followed behind Erza and Makarov, slowly walking out of the dungeon when she heard a groan.

Lucy quickly turned around and saw Natsu slowly waking up.

In the Tartaros Guild Hall
"So we proceed with Masters plan B?" Seilah asked.
"Yes, all we have to do is wait for his signal." Mard Geer replied.

Heya! I got two chapters out within three days! :D

1053 words ^^

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! :DDD

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