Chapter 11

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3rd P.O.V
Natsu was stood at Hargeon port wearing a dark red cape with a hood that covers any features that would make him recognisable. He waited for his brother, a bored expression clear on his face.

A dark figure tapped his shoulder, making him whip around, only to see the one he was waiting for. "Took you long enough." Natsu said plainly. Zeref chuckled in response, "Sorry Natsu, It took a while for Invel to find his way here and I had to wait at a certain meeting point for him.."
"Invel, who's that?" Natsu asked.
"That would be me." A voice behind Zeref stated. A man with silver hair and gold eyes walked out behind Zeref. He was wearing blue clothing and had a serious yet calm expression on his face.

"Nice to finally meet you Prince," Invel began, "I am Invel as his majesty explained, a loyal member of the Alvarez Empire's Spriggan 12."
Natsu slowly nodded in response, then sighed.

"Now us 3 are here, I would say we can go but we are still waiting for my two late comrades that will accompany me.. they're so dead when they get here." Natsu growled. Zeref chuckled at that and Invel just stared at Zeref in shock. He had never seen Zeref smile like that before.

Just before Invel was about to say something they heard two voices shouting in the distance. "Master!!" Natsu sighed, knowing who they were. Zeref and Invel looked in the direction of the voices to see to cloaked figures running towards them. Once the running duo had reached Natsu, Zeref and Invel they looked up just enough so their faces were shown.

"Mard Geer and what a surprise! Jackal! What is your excuse this time?" Natsu asked in annoyance. Mard Geer caught his breath from running then explained, "I'm sorry Master E.N.D but Jackal insisted on coming instead of Seilah. We were late because of the fight between Jackal and Kyôka on who should be coming with you Master." Natsu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Shall we go then?" Zeref interrupted their conversation before they got any further. Natsu sighed then nodded, followed by Mard, Jackal and Invel.

"How will we get there?" Natsu asked,
curious. "By boat of course." Invel responded with a blank look. Zeref held in a laugh while Natsu's face paled. Transport. His worst enemy. He groaned while Mard, Jackal and Invel looked at the demon, confused.

Zeref smiled at them and said, "He has terrible motion sickness. He's had it ever since he was a child but it wasn't as bad as it is now.."
"It's a dragon slayer thing.." Natsu explained.
"But aren't you a demon now?" Jackal asked.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm not a dragon slayer, I still have my dragon slayer magic." Natsu explained once again. Jackal 'ohhhhhh'd in understanding and Mard just looked at Jackal as if to say 'really?'.

"Anyways.. should we head off to Alvarez?" Invel asked the group. The rest nodded in unison though, Natsu did reluctantly. They headed off towards the ports and straight away a giant boat could be seen anchored down at the port. The 3 demons followed the 2 Spriggan's in amazement onto the boat.

"You didn't tell me it would be this big!" Natsu exclaimed. Zeref chuckled and looked back at his brother. "What? Would you expect an emperor to come on a dingy boat?" Zeref said, smiling smugly.
"No...but..I didn't expect you to come on a ship that's twice the size of that fake salamanders yacht!" (Remember the guy from the first episode who kidnapped Lucy? Yeah I forgot his name XD)
"Fake salamander?" Jackal questioned.
"Be quiet Jackal." Mard said blankly. Jackal groaned and was silent.

Once they boarded the ship, Natsu immediately felt the sway of the boat effect him. He covered his mouth and felt himself pale. Zeref noticed and burst out laughing, Invel and Jackal just face palmed and Mard tried to comfort and help him. Once they were on the ship safely, the boat set off, Natsu running to the side of the upper deck throwing up. Mard ran after him in attempt to help his master.

While the rest of the group went down to the lower deck, Natsu and Mard stayed above so Natsu could puke his guts out. Zeref, Invel and Jackal discussed what will happen when they reach land.

After around 5 hours of Natsu puking, Zeref and Jackal laughing and Mard panicking, the group reached land. As soon as the boat reached the port of Alvarez Natsu leaped out, enjoying the sweetness of land and no moving vehicles. He literally kissed the ground in overwhelming joy.

Mard was right behind him, making sure he was okay, though, he was questioning his Master's strange actions. They were followed by the 3 others, Zeref chuckling at his brothers actions and Jackal and Invel questioning if that was really the feared demon E.N.D.

"Well, welcome to my Empire, Natsu!" Zeref exclaimed, trying to distract everyone from Natsu's actions. Natsu looked up and saw buildings, flowers and magic everywhere. Beauty overflowed out of the empire, astonishing the 3 demons that hadn't seen this country before. The buildings were a pearl white, adding to the beauty that mixed in with the multi coloured flowers. Magic was shown everywhere, children were using it to play games, adults were using it for work and jobs, everyone that the 3 demons could see wore wide smiles of joy. It was like nothing Natsu had ever seen before.

"Wow.." Natsu muttered.
Zeref smiled at his brothers amazement, then grabbed his hand and pulled him up, "lets head towards my palace. There, you can meet the other Spriggan." Zeref offered. Natsu nodded and followed his brother, the other 3 following behind them.

As they walked down the streets of Alvarez they were recognised left and right. People shouted in pure joy and admiration to them, well, mostly to Zeref and Invel.

"Emperor Spriggan!"
"All hail the Spriggan!!"
"Thank you for all you've done!"
"We're forever great full!"
"The Emperor has returned!"

Natsu felt a small sense of pride and respect for his brother, knowing that his brother was the one to make the empire like this, to make the people joyful.

The group walked through the crowds of people, slowly making their way closer to the palace.

With Fairy Tail

With training going underway, the Master of the guild decided to alert other neighbouring guilds of a possible war and asked if they could help out. Sabertooth was an immediate yes and they began training. Blue Pegasus, Mermaid heel and Lamia Scale also agreed to help out and began their own training.

Makarov was devising a plan to stop Zeref and E.N.D, but most importantly to get the guild's beloved fire dragon slayer back.

Woo! Told you I could get a chapter out sooner AND this ones a longer one too! Yayyyyy!

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