Chapter 8

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*Tristan's POV*

I wake up on the couch alone, I get up but let out a small whimper of pain. Hope must be in her room. I walk up the stairs but with each step I flinch slightly. I hear her talking, usually I wouldn't listen threw the door but I heard my name.

She told him.. I stand there in shock at her betrayal, but I guess it's fine cuz it's only Andy, right? I open the door and she immediately puts down her phone.

"You told Andy?" I say trying not to sound disappointed

"He's the only person I told. I swear. He won't tell anyone." I just nod and leave the room. She tell jokes over breakfast and I can't help but laugh but I'm still a little annoyed that she told Andy but I guess it's ok.

We go pick up her little brother who is so adorable then go to the mall. She is so nice to her little brother ,when he asks what shirt to buy, she buys him both. We spend most of our time at hot topic. Me and Hope try on so many outfits we finally got tired and just looked around. This is so much fun.

I'm very pleased with my new om&m necklace.

We drop her little brother at home and she drives me to my place.

"We need to hang out more" hope says

"Yeah totally" I say and get out of the car and wav bye. I walk up the steps to my apartment and the pain hurts a little less. I look and see Vic standing in front of my door and I smile at him but he doesn't smile back.

"Hey" I smile and hug him and he holds me tight. Something is wrong." Is everything ok?" I ask and reach past him for the door handle but he stops me

"Tristan, you shouldn't go in there"

"What? Why? Is everything ok is my Father ok?!" I reach for the door again but he stops me again. I push at him but he won't move, I jump forward trying to reach the door.

"Tristan just let me explain first"

"Explain what?!? Let me see!" I finally push past him and see my father is nowhere to be found.

"Dad? Daad?!" I run around to every room and he is just not here I run out of the apartment past Vic and just fall to my knees and scream. Vic try's to come towards me but I run into the parking lot after Hope.

"Hope! Hope!" I tell "He's gone! my dad is gone!" she looks confused when she sees Vic walking towards us

"Tristan I-" he starts to say

"No! Shut up!" I yell with tears in my eyes. I run back to my apartment. I go to my room and grab a bag and fill it with most of my stuff. It's hard to see with the tears filling my eyes but I manage. I grab a piece of paper and write a note to who ever will find it and leave it on my dresser.I take one last look at the apartment, then grab my dad's car keys and leave.

"Where are you going?" Vic says as I walk into the parking lot

"Nowhere" I say angrily and open the passenger door and throw my stuff in. He grabs my shoulder and forces me to look at him, just like the first time we met. Tears are still in my eyes.

"Please just listen"

"No! You broke what was left of my family! Why couldn't you just leave it alone! Now I have no one!" I tell and push him off

"Tristan please! Listen! He was no better the that f ing jock!"

"Don't talk about my dad like that! He was my only family, the only one I had" my jacket falls slightly showing my bruised shoulder. He steps closer to me

"Give me your arm" he says

"No" I pull up my jacket so it covers my shoulder again

"Tristan. Give me your jacket" he says with a mixture of sadness and anger. I take off my jacket and he examines my

bruised arms and the upper part of my right arm, where some of the glass scraped me. Tears roll down his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he says with tears running down his face

"I didn't want you to worry about me"

"But what he was doing was not ok"

"I didn't want this to hurt you" I'm crying even more now and walk to my side of the car. I'm about to get in and close the door but he says something

"You have me! And I need you! Did you think I was gonna let him keep hurting you? As soon as Andy told me the thought of you hurt made me wanna rip his throat out. I'm sorry but if rather have you alive and hate me then beaten or dead and love me" I run towards him and throw my arms around him and hug him tightly

"I'm sorry but I half to" I say and press my lips against his and it's like heaven on earth to be kissing him but I pull away, let go and walk to the car.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go" I say tears rushing down my face. I get in the car and begin to drive away. What he doesn't know is that I wasn't apologizing for this kiss, I was apologizing for what I'm about to do"

(Hiii guys I hope you like the book so far and if you do you should VOTE and yeah me and Sterling are nice people you should COMMENT what u think of the book thanks byyyyeee ~ Grace.)

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