A baby?

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It's  been almost a year and for 8 months Ishiki had been pregnant with her young child and husband John constantine. Only to have a baby premature....

"Aye approaching now, of course I'm no loon just have the bloody thing to carry her in" as John's phone was on his shoulder, he carried ishiki carefully into the hospital as if the staff cant believe this. Ishiki whining in pain as she had gripped at him like it was the end of the world.
"Get the dam gurnee ya gits and stop staring" John would say as the doctors rush around snapping out of their trance as they soon get her on a gurnee and he walks by gripping her hand.
She whines gripping his tighter as she had a hard time staying still digging her nails into his hand as they started taking her back to a delivery room. He'd sucks up the pain as he says "breathe ishiki breath it will be alright" he tries to sooth her. "It hurts like hell,  get the damn thung out of me." she said in exasperation only gripping his hand harder. "All in due time love" he says kissing her cheek lightly. she'd blush and whine as she was placed in the room attempting to sit up as she tried breathing  "How long thooough"

"As long as it takes the doctors lass out some trust in them" as they stop he remains at her side smiling. she'd growl and lay back holding her stomach in pain "Get this fucking thing out of me jesus christ" she whines and slightly yells  out.  "Magic has a price if I was to try it wouldnt be pretty" he says trying to keep her still as doctors for the surgery rush in.
She lays back slightly as he tried to keep her still slightly failing as she saw the doctors seeming a bit freaked out but pained "What are they going to do exactly?"  she looks at him slightly confused and scared but in immense pain.

"Standard procedure c section of its necessary" he says using his silver tongue to best effect.
She holds her belly a bit and  digs her nails into his hand roughly whining  more as she could feel the baby moving  as if she was about to break any second as she breathed heavily screaming lightly.  He again takes the pain in his hand better him than a doctor as he nods to the doctors to start monitoring the process.

"Pain killers" One of the doctors said as he starts to inject her with some as she was in immense pain as Constantine rubbed her shoulders. she lets out a harder whine as he injects them curling up a bit as she tried to relax, as she freaked  out around any kind of needle, then gripping at John roughly, as she got closer to giving labor. He takes it in step and, breaths out as the scratches add up but he does not care as the pain started to fade from the drug but still hurt as the doctors set up almost like they never are able to.

she soon lets go and, lays back breathing heavily but seems rather relaxed after a bit of it kicking in shutting her eyes "It's coming soon" He smiles and stays in the room for this as the scratches might be useful as he puts some of his blood in patterns on the door to ward demons from this room as he returns to his wife's side throughout the surgery unflinching. she'd lay soon knocked out as they'd do the surgery seeming to be breathing more steady as she slept. 

He keeps his bandaged hands on one of hers most people couldn't sit through a surgery he had to, to safeguard his child. She seemed to be holding his hand limply as she barely moved  going through the surgery before they finished letting him see his child. He takes the child and puts the cloth over his face so he could breath "his mother should see him, or her first" as he cradles the child in ishikis arms.

Ishiki would seem limp as she held the baby lightly after waking  trying to keep her eyes open as she looked down af the baby boy "He's adorable.. " she'd say weakly and smile before she'd start fighting the urge to sleep. John battered and bruised with cuts all over smiles as he looks after she does and leans into her as he jokes "about 3 hours to get it out of you" He looks at his watch smiling.

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