the last day.

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note: this is a short story, this will be the only chapter unless I decide to write a small chapter about the actual vacation the went on. which I might just do if I get bored enough. 


The last day.

The last day

The last day of freedom,

The last day to sit and enjoy the sun

The last day of summer.

Cleo never understood that phrase, technically the season lasted past the first day of school, but summer break, now that was a different story, most people dreaded the last day of summer, well really they dreaded the day after, but Cleo loved the last day of summer because she had a tradition. The day started before the sun cast rays over the canyons, Cleo started it by standing on a cliff, the wind whipping at her face watching the red tinted sunrise, the desert night pricking cold air at her skin, her best friend by her side. then there was the road trip home, singing to Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas, stopping at her favorite places to eat, like rooftop pizza, and just enjoying the freedom, the best part? Ethan.

This all started the summer before freshman year. her family went on vacation to New Mexico, and they brought Ethan along. he knew she was probably gay, he knew he shouldn't, he knew that she would never like him back. But he couldn't help it. over their week in New Mexico, his crush on her developed, and over the course of their end-of-summer tradition, school, hanging out, walking home together, color guard practice, trips to 7-11, everywhere she went he was with her, they had a lot of good times. by the time they were in their last year of high school, by the time he had watched her go through several phases, and girlfriends, and classes, and good times and bad times, his heart was broken, but every time she smiled it patched itself up just enough the flutter into his throat and clog his speech.

He hoped, prayed, pleaded to every god he could think of, that she hadn't noticed his stuttering or the pounding heart in his chest, or the tingles everything their skin touched, or his stomach so tied up it just might just rip apart, but then again he hadn't noticed her giggles, her sighes, her soft smile, her playing with her hair, ner nervousness, her daydreamed states or the way she constantly had something against him, whether it was for his body heat, or she just liked to feel him next to her, she wasn't sure. But she always had her elbow touching his arm or her leg next to his, or her arms bumping into his, or finger constantly reaching out to 'boop' his nose. So they were in the same boat, their backs facing as they searched for the other, and while Ethan felt like it wasn't that bad, Cleo was facing the waves, feeling every wave in her nauseous stomach, seeing every challenge that lay beyond her.

Cleo hung her rainbow flag on her wall with pride, she never backed down from a conversation about her sexuality, took Texas head on with powerful comebacks to every homophobic comment she's gotten, she stood up for everyone in the Gay-Straight Alliance club in her school. Planned on becoming a therapist, or open a safe house for those in the LGBT+ community. That was her dream. But Ethan... damn did he get in the way. Every time he made a stupid pun, she smiled more and her heart twisted and dripped with confusion. He made her question everything, was she straight? Was she gay? Bi? Pan? Demi? She didn't know, she was drowning in options and decisions, every wave of the sea dragging her down deeper. until one day he took a leap of faith, one that he would regret for months to come.

But that didn't matter until sunset, until sunset she just had to focus on three things, driving, having fun, and Ethan. The sweet Arizona watermelon tea soothed her throat that stung from talking and singing. The A.C blowing her hair as they tried to evade the New Mexican heat. Her legs stuck uncomfortably to the leather seat and ripped with a very unpleasant sound, revealing red tinted skin every time she moved them.

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