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    "What the fuck?!" Peter heard a shriek from behind him

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"What the fuck?!" Peter heard a shriek from behind him. His eyes grew wide as he turned slowly and came face to face with his biggest nightmare.

Aunt May.

He quickly pressed the button on his suit to make it deflate and fall off his shoulders. His eyes were still wide and Aunt May's mouth was about to hit the floor. "Peter... what the hell is going on? Did I miss something?" May questioned, stepping closer to his room. She was speaking faster than normal, and that scared Peter.

"U-Uh...I..." His words were coming out as stutters. He had no idea what to say. He hadn't thought about this part. "It's for a project at school." He lied, the words coming out so quick he knew she wouldn't catch on.

"You're the Spider-Man?" May asked again, slower this time, like she didn't hear him and then ran her hands through her hair when he didn't answer. She then took off her glasses, setting them down on the dining room table in front of her. He was glad there was a door in between them just incase she was thinking about lunging at him.

He stepped out of the suit and stood in just his boxers. Usually, this would be weird and awkward, but right now neither of them cared.

"I, um, yeah..." He sadly sighed, dropping the mask out his hand. He gulped loudly and looked at the ground, then back at Aunt May. "I can explain though!" He exclaimed, moving quickly towards her as she dropped in one of the chairs at the table. He stood hovering her on the left side.

She looked up at him, her eyes looked sad, while her bottom lip was beginning to quiver. She was definitely about to cry. Peter touched her arm softly, not knowing what that was going to help, but he was helpless.

"No. No, I already lost your mom, dad, and your uncle. You think I'm going to sit back and let you go out there," she pointed her finger to the window in his room in front of her, raising her voice a bit, "and fight for other people's lives?! Peter, I cannot lose you." She cried, dropping her hand back on the table, still looking up at him. "You lied to me. You lied to me about the internship and sneaking out..." she began to sob, closing her eyes. "I'm supposed to be the one protecting you. J-just you."

Peter's eyes became glossy with tears. He didn't want this moment to happen, ever. She was hurt, confused, and scared, he could see that in her eyes. But, he didn't want to give this up. "I'm really sorry, Aunt May. I was keeping it from you because I knew you wouldn't understand." He licked his lips, watching her cry into her hands now. "May, I'm the friendly neighborhood spider. I gotta keep the neighborhood safe. I'm really cautious when I go out there. I can't give this up. Mr. Stark - "

She cut him off. "Tell the neighborhood to call the cops when they need saving. Not a fifteen year old boy," May stated, shaking her head. "You should be worrying about going to school, not other people's lives!" Her voice was shaky again and she wiped a couple of her tears away. She then looked down at the table and slammed her hand down on it, making Peter jump back a little. "You tell Mr. Stark that I want to talk to him as soon as possible about this and tell him to bring all his Avenger friends so I can beat every single one of their asses! A fifteen year old boy out there in a costume, swinging from buildings..." she rambled on, standing up and bumping Peter out the way to go to the kitchen and get a drink.

Peter looked down. She was not taking it the way he wanted. But, he expected her to do this. She wouldn't understand at all.

"Oh, a radioactive spider bit me, so I got this awesome ripped body, super strength, a talking suit named Karen, fought half the Avengers, got Liz's' dad locked up, climbed the whole Washington Monument in less than 45 seconds, and I can stop an entire school bus with my bare hands!"

Makes sense.

"Listen, May - " He started, turning towards the kitchen as she gulped down a glass of water.

"No, call Tony right now and tell him to come get that suit." She sniffled, wiping her face some more as she put the glass in the sink. "There is no more 'Spider-Man', Peter. Not over my dead body." She finished, stomping off to her room and slamming the door behind her before he could say anything else.

That was it. This was it.

Peter stood there for a second, already dried up tears sticking to his cheeks as he soaked in what had just happened. He was hoping this was a dream and that Mr. Stark didn't leave the suit in his room in the first place. For a second, he didn't want to be Spider-Man.

He wished he was back at homecoming, laughing and dancing with his friends. He shouldn't have gone to Washington, or the loading dock with Liz's dad. He shouldn't have gone anywhere with Mr. Stark. He shouldn't have lied to Aunt May.

Sniffling and backing up into his room, he closed the door with his foot and then dove unto his bunk bed, letting all the tears come out into his comforter.

After what felt like an hour, he reached around his bed for his phone without lifting his head and groaned when he found it. He lifted his head. His eyes were super puffy, hair a tangled, sweaty mess, and his cheeks were wet with tears. When he found it, he hesitated for a minute, then clicked the 'call' button.

He lifted his whole body to a sitting position and sniffled, looking over at his suit in a small heap on the floor. He slowly stood up and walked over, kneeling in front of it. He hated that suit right now.

"You have reached the voice mail box of: Tony Stark, please leave a message after the beep."

Peter waited for the beep and then began to speak, "Mr. Stark," his voice cracked, and he closed his eyes letting a few more tears fall. "May found out. It's over. She wants me to hand in the suit as soon as possible." He began to sob, pulling the phone away from his ear. "Just call me back, please." He mumbled, ending the call and dropping his phone down next to him. Plopping into a sitting position on the floor, he hid his face in his hands and let out deep breaths as he cried.



poor peter ): i'm sorry this is such an emotional start. it gets better before it gets worse again :) i'm horrible lol

- tomhollland_

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