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    "Okay, when we get in here you two need to not touch anything, or freak out or anything

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    "Okay, when we get in here you two need to not touch anything, or freak out or anything." Peter reminded Michelle and Ned as they stood outside of Stark Industries, aka Avengers Tower. They took a bus all the way there. It took about an hour.

"You being an Avenger should give us the right to do all that." Ned responded, a big grin on his face.

"I'm not an Avenger."

"Yet." Michelle butted in.

Peter didn't know why he brought them two along with him to return his suit, which was a week late. Tony had blew up his phone and even sent Happy to his house. Good thing May wasn't there, she still didn't know about him taking him back. Mr. Stark didn't seem too happy that he kept it, though. Even though he only swung around the neighborhood and occasionally had Michelle with him.

Peter shook his head at his friends and held the suit loosely in his hands, ringing the bell outside. Happy was the one that answered and gave the boy and his friends a disappointed look.

"I didn't know it was show and tell." He remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that the kid?" They could hear Mr. Stark ask in the back. He walked up and moved Happy out the way with his hand, looking Peter up and down. "Long time no see, huh?"

Peter looked down at the suit. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot to bring it back." He lied, turning back to his friends who were wide eyed as they stared at Tony. He rolled his eyes a bit and turned back to the tall man.

Mr. Stark gave him a short nod. "This the girl?" He whispered. Peter nodded back in response. "Yeah, I saw her swinging with you around Queens like you two were at the damn circus." He retorted, motioning for them to come inside. "Happy give these two a tour," He pointed at Michelle and Ned. "I gotta talk to the kid." Happy nodded and motioned for the two fangirls to follow him upstairs.

Peter got a sense of nostalgia standing there with Mr. Stark. The last time he came upstate, Tony almost made him an Avenger right then and there. He was certain he was about to do it again. Plastering a smile on his face Peter began, "I know what you're gonna say, Mr. Stark. I did a good job this time with Spider-Man and I stayed out of trouble." He boasted.

Tony gave him a look. "That's not what I was gonna say at all." Peter's smile dropped as he followed Mr. Stark into a big auditorium looking room. "Yeah, you stayed out of trouble. But you were on the news. The night I gave you back the suit." He took a seat, Peter sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I remember. I saved those two boys!" Peter recalled, the smile back on his face.

"And what if May saw that? There's only one Spider-Man kid."

"She didn't though."

"Yeah, because I paid a lot of money for it not to be aired anymore." Mr. Stark sounded unpleased. "I told you to go to the girl and back here. Not do the NYPD's job for them."

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