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Dedication: penissparkerr thank you for being my first comment and vote on this book :) you've been here since the prologue and that makes me happy! love u. everyone go check out her books, they're amazing.

    "May?!" Peter called when he entered the apartment

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    "May?!" Peter called when he entered the apartment. He closed the door behind him and dropped his book bag on the floor next to it. May stepped out of the kitchen quickly and stood there with her arms crossed. She still looked a little upset, like she had been crying still. Peter stood still for a moment, not having what he wanted to say already planned. "I, um, can we talk?" He stuttered, not breaking eye contact with her.

She nodded and watched as he took a seat at the table, still not saying a word. "First, I wanted to say that I'm really sorry I lied to you. It was wrong and rude. I know that hurt you more than anything." He started, fidgeting in his seat.

She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yes, that hurt me. It's like you didn't trust me or anything, you just thought it would be okay to keep it from me. What would have happened if you weren't able to save your friends from the elevator in Washington? You would have been part of the blame. Do you want that on your conscience?" She asked. Peter shook his head as a response and looked up at her.

"Exactly, and I would lose my mind if anything happened to you. When you told me some guy from Brooklyn kicked your ass, you didn't tell me it was a man who did it. Captain America, right?" Peter nodded. "Yeah, that's not okay. You're still in high school, barely in high school. I don't want you out there doing what they do. You're not ready." She shook her head as she spoke.

"I know. It's just, when Mr. Stark came to me to help him, yanno I just thought wow this is my chance to prove myself. I finally get to use my powers and get a new suit and make money as an Avenger." Peter explained, blinking back a couple tears that were bound to fall. "I never wanted to worry you, or make you cry. I just like saving people and helping around the neighborhood."

"I understand that, Peter. But what happens when you're the one that needs saving, huh? I let you go to homecoming with a dangerous man and you didn't even stay at homecoming. You went to find him. Tony told you not to, but you did it anyways. So, you're way at the fault here." May tapped her foot, looking down at him.

"I went after him to keep him from hurting other people!" Peter exclaimed.

May frustratedly sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Peter! What would have happened if you didn't stop him, huh? What would have happened if instead, he got away and your dead body was found there or somewhere else?!" She yelled, looking him dead in the eyes. Both of them were teary eyed by now. "You've only been doing this for a couple months, am I right? So, you shouldn't be out there in any suit trying to stop anyone. Let the grownups do their job, you're way too young. Spider bite or not." She turned your back to him to wipe a couple tears.

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