Chapter Three

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So, thank you to everyone who read my story for the Godfather of All Writing Contests. I'm so thrilled with the outcome and the stories submitted were nothing short of awesome! So well written! I've decided to expand this. It'll probably be a novella, not a full-length fic, similar to Mechanics and Mistletoe or A Thin Line Between Love and Hate. I'm rereading my submission to see where things will be going. Thank you for reading and supporting me!

Up next will be some Edward/Bella bonding time and breaking through her walls. Leave me some loving! I appreciate it more than you know ...

Standard Disclaimer: The author does not own any publicly recognizable entities herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Three

Bella was staring at her phone, glaring at it, really. The phone number she'd programmed in it a couple of days ago was taunting her, tormenting her, but in all reality, it was the only viable key to her freedom. She tried to push everything back, ignoring ten digits stored in her cell phone that would ... No, don't think about it. Focus on the now, not the nebulous, unknown future.

However, she was taking some time away from her 'family' obligations, under the direct and stern orders of her father. With Edward's attack, the damage to one of the clubs and a lull in shipments, Charlie encouraged Bella to be a single, fun woman.

She honestly didn't even know how to do it.

"Staring at your phone won't force Edward to tell you where you're going, woman," Alice snickered as she curled Bella's hair. Bella had called her in a panic, unsure how to do the whole date thing. "Though, I'm shocked you called me to help you get ready for this date."

"It's because I'm going out on a date. Period," Bella mumbled. "I haven't been on a date since my senior prom when I lost my virginity in the back of a limo. I had a whole glam-squad to make me beautiful that event. I'm helpless when it comes to this girly shit. And the virginity nonsense? That sucked, let me tell you."

"It's a rite of passage, Bella," Alice giggled. "Was the limo moving?"

"Yep," Bella said, wrinkling her nose. "And my date was not gentle. He was inexperienced as me and it hurt. When he first slid inside, we hit a bump. Fucking painful as fuck!"

"Did you love him?" Alice asked, moving in front of Bella and arching a brow. She twisted her hair around the barrel of curling iron. "Your prom date?"

"No. He was cute and popular. It was expected for us to go to prom together," Bella shrugged. "He was the prom king and I was the prom queen. Totally stupid, high school bullshit."

"Do you love Edward?" Alice pressed. Bella's eyes flew up to her friend and Alice blanched. "Never mind. It's not my business."

"You're right. It's not," Bella growled, her posture stiff and tense. "I think I can handle getting ready on my own, Alice."

"Bella, don't be like that," Alice snapped back. "I love you like a sister, but sometimes your moods give me whiplash." Bella narrowed her eyes at Alice. "Don't look at me in that tone voice. I get that you were thrust into a life that you never wanted when you were attacked five years ago, but that doesn't give you free reign to be an epic bitch to anyone who is trying to help you. And you've been awfully jumpy since the attack on that strip joint your father owned. Not to mention Edward's attack at Virginia Mason!"

"I'm sorry, Alice. It's just that ..." Bella began as she got up from the bench where she sat as Alice curled her hair. "I can't really talk about it. I'm overwhelmed, in more ways than one. I'm trying to understand what I'm feeling for Edward. Is it just lust or are these emotions real? I'm also trying to reign in 'Scar.' She's always underneath my skin, ready to jump out, to protect her family."

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