#Jealousy Hurts 11

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Shifali's Pov:

I stare at Harry and blink my eyes rather rapidly, I then said-

"It was Zaynah, she was apologizing that I couldn't talk to Ariana Grande, and I was..jelly" it was a pretty good guess and excuse (A/N ;) )

"Okay, so I want you to promise me something" he said whilst holding my hand, I picked up my phone as I see Matt was gone. I moved my eyes to Harry's serious face, I didn't know that he had a serious face.

"I don't want you to talk to Matt" he agreed to his comment, I grew a frown face,

"Why" I jerked away from his hand, he looked down and back up to me.

"Because..he might still have feeling for you" Shmurr? (Superwomen!!!)

"What if he does?" I know Matt still does,

"Then he will have to deal with me" What the hell?

"Harry, you can't change people's feelings"

"Do you have to feeling for him" Is he Serious?

"Harry! Look, me and Matt was the past, but you can't stop me from talking to him"

"He kissed his new girlfriend in front of you!"

"So, you kissed me..Why are you doing this?" I folded my arms and was waiting for his excuse

"Because I care for you" Oh please! That's the most lamess excuse ever. I do like boys who understand me but boy who are overracted, when I speak to other boys..Nah, Nah!

"If you cared for me, then you will be able to trust me" I turned away from Harry and looked out the window. The engine started. As Harry backed out, he hit something hard. Harry pressed the breaks, I run out of the car and gasp- it was..

Louis's Pov:

There was a loud smash downstairs, Zaynah jerked away from my lips and shot up. I stood up as well. I went downstairs slowly before Zaynah, the scenery was outrageous. Glass was sprawled everywhere on the floor, Zaynah's mouth was wide open! In the kitchen there were whispers, Zaynah grabbed a Rounders bat as I look at her,


"Never be to sure, now come on!'' She hissed, I rolled my eyes and carried on walking. Until we reach the doorway, I turned to Zaynah and counted to '3'- as soon we reached to '1', we ran in like hooligines, we stood frozen afterwards-

''Tania!! And who the hell are you?'' Zaynah said whilst pointing the bat at the boy

''My name is-'' before he could finish Tania swooped in,

''This is Carter Reynolds, my P.I.C.'' Me and Zaynah bolted our eyes to each other then gave the exact same face to each other, ''Get it, 'Pic'. No, no, Okay'' Tania had looked down and embarrassed.

''What the hell are you doing here? and why didn't you use the front door?'' I asked whilst sighing,

''That's too long! I have to walk to the door, then lift up my hand to ring the bell.. you get the dealio'' She explained whilst also complaining.

''Me and Tania didn't mean to break in, I didn't know that she had the idea. Please don't call the Po-Po'' Carter begged.

''Tania is a sneaky little bangladesh monkey and don't worry we wont report you'' As Carter looked over at Tania, she gave a evil smirk which scared the living Jeepers out of him, Zaynah and unforunately me. I glance over at Zaynah as she moved to get the broom and swepted up the mess TANIA made after breaking in- the question is 'How did she get in by a window?' . Tania and Carter entered the living room before me, Tania sat on the sofa as she wasd trying to find the remote.

''Hey, where's the remote? This house is so big, sometimes I get lost. I feel as if I the..FOUND IT!!'' She switched the T.V. on and started to flick through channels. She stopped at the news and it had reported,

''Breaking News. One of the One Direction band mate, by the name of Zayn Malik, has been in a accident and now is in hospital-''

''BORING!!'' Tania flicked to a different channel until I scream to her in a rush,

''Wait go back!'' She sighed and went back to the news at the same time Zaynah had gotten a call. Zaynah had ran in and looked as if she was going to have a panic attack,

''That was Shifali'' I nodded and was at the edge of the sofa,

''Zayn had an accident and he's in the Hospital now!''

''Let's go!'' I stood up and walk to her with a worried face,

''Hello, What about us?'' Tania said whilst putting her hand up, Zaynah opened the front door,

''Raid the House.. when I mean 'raid', I mean eat anything. Don't make a mess!'' Zaynah said whilst running to the garage to get her car. I climbed in the passenger seat as Zaynah had started the engine and bolted on to the road...

(Harry, Harry, Harry. Why did you have to hit Zayn? Would he be Okay? How in the world did Tania, come out of the ordianary with a Magcon boy? Make sure you Vote and Comment for this book!)

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