Chapter 21

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"Sorr-ry for intruding," Alphys stuttered, after Sans opened the door to let her inside.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever it is, make it quick," Sans said, who did not hesitate to be rude, as soon as the small yellow monster walked in through the door.

"S-sans, is that y-you?" Alphy's went wide eyed with amazement, as if this is the first time she's seen him with this appearance.

"No, I'm the tooth-fairy."

She was not really phased by his manner, because the little dino monster walked around Sans, studied his appearance, as if she was taking mental notes on what was different about him. She pulled at his hands, lifted his arms, and even went to the lengths of examining the back of his calves.

"Oi! Watch where you're touching!" Sans yelped, when he didn't expect her to touch the back of his thigh. She was just so deep into thought, that she got carried away.

"S-sorry! I w-was just recently researching m-more about monster m-metamorphosis. I found it intriguing, that you morphed this way," Alphys' yelped away from Sans, not really expecting him to be so scary.

"So my years of mental breakdowns astonish you? Brilliant..." Sans sighed and very noticeably, tried not to get angry at her. You can see him sucking in every ounce of his will, not to raise his voice and practically chew her out for palpating him subconsciously.

We both knew how cowardice Alphys was. If he buffeted her with his wrath, she would run away and hide, then it would take forever for her to calm down. Maybe not even show her face around him anymore.

"S-sorry Sans... my sympathies to you."

Though Sans did not show it, there was a glimpse of discomfort gleaming in his eyes. I felt his pain, like I could literally feel it. He was sad and mourned for his little brother. His heart was recoiling in thumps; it glowed wildly. It was obvious he did not want to be reminded.... ever.

Sans gripped his chest, slowly inhaled and exhaled to calm his nerve-wrecked soul.

"Thanks... but please don't remind me."

I stride over next to Sans and Alphys, just so I could sever the tension that lingered in the air around us like chains that got tighter around us, but mostly around Sans.

*Cough cough* I fake coughed into my palm, wavering the little dino's attention from Sans to me.

"F-frisk!" Alphy's practically screeched with happiness. To my bewilderment, she jumped to me and embraced me with her small arms. That I could not foresee; Alphys making more contact than a handshake.

How long has it really been since all my friends have seen me? They tell me it's been a few years, but it feels like so much more than that.

"Alphys, long time no see!"

I hugged her back, feeling a bit of nostalgia pass through me.

"Likewise F-Frisk," Alphys said as she stepped back from me and fixed her glasses.

"It has been a-awhile. When we d-discovered your amnesia, we had no ch-choice but to keep our distance. But I'm glad you r-remembered us, for the m-most part."

I nodded at her and smiled. It was good to see everyone again and how much they have and haven't changed. Alphys was still shaky as ever, but she was still herself, which I'm very glad to see.

"Well if it weren't for the bag of bones here, for stalking me at work, I might've not remembered at all," I joked and bit my tongue in the process.

"If that was a joke, you suck at it," Sans scoffed, and made his way back to the couch.

"Oh lighten up, will you?" I stuck my tongue at him, while I escorted Alphys to the loveseat to sit down.

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